Company of . . . Heroes?

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"Your Majesty." A new head of The Imperial Magic Academy bowed its head before The Immortal Emperor.

"You may speak, what progress have you made? "

The Immortal Emperor yearned to hear any good news. Lately, he kept receiving only the bad ones. He managed to stop the spell his former incompetent servant had unleashed and averted a catastrophic scenario, but it was still a fiasco.

His former head of research had nearly destroyed the world by guessing the parameters for the grand spell. After the jump, he found only one safe solution to the crysis, he left everything "on default". It was very fortunate he had found the default parameters in The Book of Creation, otherwise they would have been dust now or worse. All the physical laws seemed to be the same as before, but the magic was a problem.

No one could begin to comprehend how infuriating it was. He could not even comunicate with the other parts of his empire, his rule was going to shrink to a single continent if he would not do something amazing, and he needed to do it fast.

"Thank you Your Majesty, we may have found a way to restore magic, we have finaly deciphered the key part in The Book of Creation. "

"Excellent, when will the spell be ready? " His subordinate lowered his head.

"But there is a tiny complication, we cannot cast the spell without the magic working."

"You call it a tiny complication ?? " Emperor's swordhand began to itch, things were not going well for the head of The Imperial Magic Academy..

"B-But we have found a man who was able to perform a spell, it may be possible to cast. We just need more time." The Immortal Emperor gestured him to leave his presence. He had to request a detailed report on that case immediately.

A while later, The Immortal Emperor was staring at the report. He did not paid attention to the opulent luxuries of his palace, to its vast gardens and giant columns with mythic creatures carved into them, fighting eternaly as pillars of his palace.

The report was about a blind man who could see again. He was an ordinary farmer who had been born blind and had been miraculously healed just recently. The report stated the case could not be natural. It was not much, but better than nothing, maybe there was some hope the magic would appear again.

* * * *

Jiao Mei watched as the monstrous wolf left the hut in panic. She did not comprehend what had happened to it, but she was glad nontheless. She fell to her bed releasing the tension in her body.

"Hey, do not sleep, we need to get away." Zephyrus tried to act rationally.

"Get away? Just look at you. You two kept running from that beast for a considerable time, after a while of sleep, let's say you can still continue for a while, but she is out of commision." She nodded in the direction of Davena. "Look at her, apart from many shallow wounds she has probably several broken ribs, not speaking about her leg. We won't be able to run with her." Zephyrus checked if their unwanted companion was conscious before his reply.

"To make things clear, I do not care about anyone else, I will save my skin and that is all I care about. You can stay as long as you want, but I am leaving."

"You are so smart, why do you think the wolf left us alive? "

"Hemorrhoids? I don't care."

"I think she was the cause. I am staying here, we would not be able to outrun the beast."

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