A Bold Move

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A man was resting in his ship during his descent to the Earth's atmosphere, when he heard a mild tone in his head.

"Central to Kappa, your objective had been updated." An electronic voice sounded in Kappa;s head and a short list of technical data appeared in front of his eyes.

Target's location updated: planet Earth, Sector C25-48 (accuracy 100%)

Operation's priority changed: Rating A

. . . .

. . .

Kappa snorted, he was not interested in details, this mission was clearly way too easy for him.

"Central, what is this about? This is a simple search and capture mission, I do not need to command intergalactic weapons to finish it." He had a hunch some operatives in the central went overboared.

"I am sending the data, which were the basis for the operation's status change." The electronic voice responded to his sarcastic remark.

After watching the new video of the target, Kappa shook his head. The target was fast, but nothing he could not have handled alone. Well, he would act as the central wanted, no reason for arguing with them.

Kappa was originaly a mercenary, after completing several missions for the Consortium, they upgraded him with many high-tech implants. In the end, he joined an experimental research and most of his body parts had been replaced, making him more robotic than organic. One could say, he was one of a kind, one of the best cyborgs in the Solar System, serving over one hundred years the interests of the Consortium.

In fact, Kappa was his codename, but he had worked for the organization for so long, he was using it as his name.

Kappa's atitude changed, when he had seen the target's healing ability.

"What? She is organic? And she ate that guy's blood, what is that supposed to mean? Now I see, why the central has been so jumpy, this is probably someone's experiment." He watched the video until it ended. "But why would someone expose his research in this way? Maybe a runaway specimen?"

Kappa thought about it for a while and it made a perfect sense. Someone's research subject had probably ran away and he had to expect a confrontation with enemy's retrival squad.

"That is probably the reason, why they have risen the rating, I should expect interference from enemy agents."

"Central, requesting command of some space marines on the Earth's orbit."

"Creating operation group Gama2, command transfered. Displaying information."

Operation group Gama2

Assigned resources

Space marines 5 800

Special operation forces 320

Surveillance drons 60

Mechanized infantry 2 000

Autonomous mechanized infantry 12

Transport ships class turtle 4

Transport ships class bumblebee 7

Fighters Predator A7 3

Fighters Predators B2 8

"Hmph, what are those marines for? I have the location already. Show the details for Autononomous mechanized infantry and Special operation forces items." Before his eyes a new set of data strung into being.

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