Sobering up

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            Davena was only minutes of walk away from the capital city of the Forest of Giants. The landmark of the city was a giant tree, which was a big part of the city at the same time, becuase many elves lived inside of it. She stopped and decided to recapitulate her abilities. After a while in a school, she was already able to do some simple magic, but her greatest strength were by far still her physical parameters.

She did not want to involve herself in any big schemes, she just needed to look around a bit to be able to decide on their new role in this society.

* * * *

"What is wrong with this region anyway? There are way too many mercenaries around." Claw snorted, as they were making they way a nearby village. Over the years, elves had built many paths in the upper parts of the forest and they had no trouble finding an alternative route.

"It is normal, new provinces has always security troubles." Le Gull replied.

"Security troubles?"

"The elfs bring civilization to primitive tribes, it takes time to teach them. We bring them culture and higher standarts of living and what are they doing in return? They attack us!" Laela took initiative.

Suddenly, Le Gull began to laugh so hard, his laughter turned into a cough.

"Bring civilization .. " He stopped coughing and continued. "I see our propaganda in the city still works well indeed."

"What?" Laela looked at him, not knowing what to think.

"The truth is, the place was forced to join the empire a long time ago. The native lizardmen were forced to live in lower layers of the forest, because the bad conditions there should have caused their extinction." Le Gull stared at Laela, whose eyes widened. "Well, that was a miscalculation, they are quite resilient."

"What are you talking about?" Laela could not believe a single word.

"What am I talking about? It is a basic strategy of our empire's expansion. infiltrate a small country, bribe its officials, devastate their economy, conquer them, build a teleport there and launch a population conversion program." Le Gull coughed again. "Well, or population extermination program, depends on the population."

"Sounds logical, I have noticed the empire is much larger than before." Le Gull looked at Claw, a question mark almost visible in his face.

"Ah, I have falsely assumed you know nothing about our history."

"What do you mean extermination?!" Laela seemed to have trouble accepting the reality. "I do not trust you! Are you even a real magister?"

"Forget, what I have said. You are hired to protect me, while I will be walking around, trying to bring some order to this war torn land."

After a while, Claw could not hold his mouth shut and opened the same old conversation again.

"And which program has been chosen for this province?"

"The second one." Le Gull answered.

"What do you mean by your order, if that is the case?"

"Silencing the elfs, who are supporting lizardmen's resistance and . . ."

"Are you serious?!" Laela could not hold her anger any longer. "Are you really trying to tell me, you are going to help the local authorities with silencing the elves, who are against the genocide of the original population?"

"Pretty much." Le Gull nodded.

"This. . can't be true!" Laela exclaimed.

"What have you expected? That our empire has been build by planting flowers and sniffing to roses?"

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