ACT 1 Afterword

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Hi there, I hope you have enjoyed the first act. I feel obligated to write a few words of encouragement for the ones who consider their life without drive, without life, without meaning, because I could cause a blow to them by the last part. I believe the cause for one's lack of will is a physiological one by a large part. The brain is a huge energy eater and it is set by default in the way it does not want to think or do anything, because as soon as it does our energy consumption skyrockets up. In the past, when the food was scarce it was smart, but now. . .and the poor brain had not enough time to change its policy.

So whenever you feel without will to continue it is by a big part your lazy brain's fault. Just tell him. "You can consume as much as you want you stupid brain, so do not be shy to think and do things."Everything boils down to one's will, and our lazy brain keeps sabotaging it.

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