A Secret

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            Mei was standing in a shallow river, trying to wash away the blood.

"Agh, these spider webs are too sticky, get away from me already!" Mei was waving her hand in a desperate attempt to shake off a spider web, which was stuck to her body, but she just tangled it around her waist instead.

"Nooo, it will drive me crazy."

"You are too impatient." Davena laughed at Mei, having brushed away the last web from her leg. "What do you plan to do with them? I think there is not much to be learned from them anymore."

"We might just fool around a bit and wait for Claw to join with us. The question is, if we want to continue our identities of schoolgirls."

"Do you?" Davena looked at Mei.

"Maybe. It would be trouble to act as vampires openly. Everyone would be too careful to tell us anything and many enemies would appear. It is a bit of a farce, but revealing ourselves would cause a lot of inconvenience in the long run."

"That is probably true, but we need Claw for that. Another stunt like today and everyone will see us for what we really are."

"We have to be careful, it is enough trouble Laela knows about us." Mei had finally managed to clean herself and purred with satisfaction.

"You sound like Rhaska while sunbathing." Davena laughed.

"What? Who? Ah, stop pulling out old memories, my head will burst." Mei complained and left the shallow water. Both of them set out for the old fort, where they had left their schoolmates to their own devices, but Davena's remark left something nostalgic in Mei, which she could not shake off.

* * * *

Zak rode the horse, returning from the dislocated campus for foreign students, where the vampires and their group should have been received, but . .. they had never even reached the place.

He would have spied on the group, as Le Gull had planned, but that would have been the case, if they were at the place! Now, he had to find them.

"At least, I have this smart thing." Zak pulled a round object out of his pocket. It was a small compass. It was the Magisterium's property and it could track down their carriages. Soon, he arrived at a crossroads and looked at the old road, which was barred by a rotting wooden pole.

"Great." Zak sighed. He had a vague idea, what place was the road leading to. "Whatever, I have a good horse, I should be able to outrun anything." He disliked trouble, but at the same time, he knew Le Gull would pay him handsomely for any complications.

"I do not know, what the old fart sees in that children, but he does pay well." Zak murmured and gave his horse a light kick into its groins.

* * * *

"Hey, I have to show you something! It is so cool!" A big frame, resembling a lizardman appeared from the bushes nerby.

"At least say hi, rude green monster." Mei snapped at Claw.

"You are right, Davena is being rude." Claw grinned.

"Jokes aside, what are you talking about?" Davena pierced Claw with her blue eyes.

"It is an abandoned ruin, I mean a castle, but it is beautiful. I want it as the headquarters of our clan!"

"Clan?" Davena and Mei looked at him with disbelief.

"Have you been running around making little lreptiles or something?" Mei asked, but the Claw's idea seemed to be more persistent, than just a whim.

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