Difficulty Set: Nightmare

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Claw climbed down the wall, his companions staring at him with amazement.

"And I thought we had stairs here." With Davena at front of the group, they ran down the stairs. "Open the gate, we have to investigate a disturbance." The guards at the gate exchanged looks and opened the gate. Many people knew Davena from the time she had been knight-commander, it was nothing out of ordinary to comply to her order.

"Hey, are you nuts? What are you doing outside?" Some man, pobably a military officer was shouting at them.

"Scouting, do you want some nasty surprise to attack the gate?" Arrow answered , the gate was closing slowly behind them. Copper leaned to him whispering quietly.

"Hey Arrow, have we joined the good people? They are too reckless."

"Do what you want, but I will stick with that crazy powerful dragonkin." Arrow gave him a cold look. "With a simple order any officer of the army can send you to your death, we would not be much safer on the wall."

"I just do not want to die too soon." Copper answered.

"The dragonkin guy... I have a feeling he knows a lot, just stop your rumbling and come. We live in dark times, nowhere is entirely safe." They stopped their chat and followed the silver haired knight. They climbed up a small hill on which Claw had been waiting for them.

"Aren't these ratmen? And why are there so many of them?" Blood rushed into Davena's head and her hand squeezed her sword unconsciously. Just seeing them brought back memories she thought had already been erased. The ratmen were running in their direction, there were hundreds of them.

Claw looked at her with a shock in his eyes.

"The ratman in the first line. .. I know him."

"Are you kidding?" Davena could not believe what he was saying.

"There is no mistaking him, iis burned paw. It is Blackpaw." Copper used [Appraisal] immediately and verified his words.

Name Blackpaw

Sex [Male]

Race [Ratman]

Class [Firelord]

Passive Skills [Inner Flame]

Skills [Fireball], [Flame Spike]

Resistances [Basic Poison Resistance], [Basic Fire Resistance], [Minor Fire Weakness]

Stamina 96

Endurance 95

Strength 88

Agility 112

Intellect 138

Spirit 170

* * * *

Blackpaw cursed his bad luck. Everything went so smooth at first, he being the only one able to use magic, the council of shamans waiting for his every word. He had even discovered how the portals warked, yes worked. The moment the annoying voice spoke in his head, everything went wrong, He was not special anymore, many creatures had started to use magic. in addition, all the portals vanished and he was stuck here on this stinky continent crawling with enemies behind every corner. But it was not enough and now, a pack of crazy monster was hunting them. They had tried to kill them at first, but after he had lost over three hundred of his warriors, it had been clear they could only run. The beasts were hiding in the woods and because of their extreme speed, they were not able to hit them with anything and if a miracle happened and someone landed a hit, it did not penetrate their fur. He knew some walled city was in front of them, but taking it was not an option, their force was too small to attack it. Suddenly, he saw a ploughed up farms with a farmstead amidst of them and decided to take it over.

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