Out of Control

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Davena bursted out of one of the castle's halls, Janus had just found their target.

"Isaias come with me, we need to be fast. " Isaias Justus Zeno lifted himself from the bench immediately and followed her. He was the same rank as her, but unlike Aurora, he did not mind taking orders from Davena. He liked her, because she was easy to read, no lies, no poses. As a "tactician" he liked working with her, because he could predict her behavior in almost every situation and she had no lust for power.

As soon as they walked out, they cast [Flight] and flew in the direction Janus had pinpointed.

* * * *

The hooded duo arrived to the entrance of the hut. Without a second thought Alexius stormed in like a rampaging ogre.

"See, and you have been afraid of him. " Alexius knocked out Marius in a second. "I start to be real good in melee fights. "

"Don't get cocky, we have company. " Mahavir's face distorted in displeasure.

"Who? No, not again. Do not tell me it is her. Crazy bitch, why can't she leave us alone. " Mahavir only nodded. After a few seconds of hesitation he added. "I have enough of these failures let's do It the hard way. We repeat our previous tactic with meteorite, I will cast a distraction they won't be able to ignore. You will cast flight and get out. "

"Nonsense, they are on the outer wall, they will get me. " Alexius protested.

"They won't I will cast some large scale distraction, it will take care of them. "

"And what about me? " Alexius had a hunch he was preparing for some insane spell.

"I thought you were an expert in matter and water magic. You will make it. " Alexius did not like this at all, but he himself had enough of their nonexisting achievements. They slipped out of the hut. Mahavir prepared himself a bit and cast the spell.

"{Summoning Magic::Void::Sun] . " Alexius stared at Mahavir, it was a bit off the charts to try to summon the Sun.

"As expected of Mahavir Kunal. " Alexius mumbled.

Mahavir made his move unleashing his crazy magic, Above the city the Sun began to appear. Mahavir's version of the Sun could not rival the power or quality of the real thing, but one could say it was a nice try. No one could summon the real Sun with only the Void attribute to begin with, all the matter attributes of the Sun were omitted. It was just a sphere of extremely intensive light, but it was so intense, the buildings began to smoke. It was clear fire will be a matter of seconds.

The knights in the castle reacted immediately, there were many of them with the Ice attribute magic. They casted a bunch of [Snowstorm], putting out the growing fires. In a moment the city of Castello di Montagne was in a peculiar state, the exact state Mahavir wanted to achieve. Snow, water, hailstones were falling down in a blinding sunlight creating many rainbows as a side effect. An environment, in which was impossible to spot the two figures flying away from the city. And even Alexius did not spot yet another pair of figures running in an another direction.

* * * *

"Let's go Feng this is our chance. " Huan caught his brother's arm and they dashed past the gate, using the chaos to their advantage. The city guards were well disciplined, but the sheer scale of Mahavir's spell stunned them, not mentioning the blinding light from the artificial Sun. Soon, the brothers were running in the direction of Pienzo village, they did not wanted to go in this direction originally, but the gate in the direction of San Galdo was better guarded. They ran as crazy, not looking behind them at the impossible scenery which was taking place in the city.

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