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After a march that took them half a day, the group stopped at the edge of the continent. Claw did not know how to call it, because all the inhabitants called it simply "World", because it was unthinkable to leave it. He looked at the other side and saw a monstrous chunk of land stuck in the "World", It was the continent in which the dwarves lived, they lived literally inside of it. The sheer size of it took his breath, the continent was bigger, so much it was beyond comparison. They did not see the surface, because it was thousands of feet above them. He had not been able to see it through the thick forest, but now. a menacing mass of rock towered above them.

Bardur looked down into the deep chasm. The continents were bigger at their bases, touching only at the bottom creating a deep chasm in the process. Anyone intending to cross it would have a hard time.

"Nice eh? It is over twenty thousand feet deep and over ten thousand feet deep from this side, add another ten thousand if you want to climb the other side."

"Luckily for you, we have built a bridge, we need to climb down only four hundred feet." Galim added. Bardur took out a horn from his backpack and blew twice, a loud monotonous sound echoing through the chasm.

"Is it fine to use a distress signal." Gmmor grumbled.

"Why not, it is a distress, we need to tidy up that glade and we need to do it fast." Bardur's methods were crude but effective as always. In a minute they could see a line of dwarves running on the bridge. They had a rope hanging down the cliff, because of that, climbing up was not an issue. It did not take long and a hundred of dwarves stood at the edge of the cliff in a line. It turned out Bardur could act cool, because he was an officer.

No way, their salute is a high five?? No, it was with their fists, but it is strange nontheless.

Claw felt as a spectator to some dwarven historic show, but he was not able to laugh much longer, it seemed the dwarves would be a considerable force in the region.

"Waiting for your command." squad leader addressed Bardur. Claw did not believe Bardur is in fact some big shot.

"Take eighty men and secure the personnel Gmmor is going to show you. It is a half day trip." Gmmor run away along with the bigger part of the squad. "And we are returning home. I hope you can climb."

"Probably, but i am not in my top condition, it will take some time." Claw said.

"I have noticed."Bardur looked at a nasty looking black circle on his chest. That was why Baradur had decided to keep twenty of his men with him, he knew his guest could probably take a serious beating without dying.

They were walking on the bridge when one of the overly curious men asked.

"What hit you? It looks like a direct hit from a [Flame Spike]."

"Actually, it was a [Fireball]." The man began to cough. His next qustion utterly destroyed by Bardur's strict gaze. After a while of marching in the dark narrow tunnel they made a turn ending up in a small chamber. Hearing the massive door of the entrance sliding back, Claw realized he had not seen the main door, perhaps they kept it open for them. Everyone sat on the crude furniture gazing at Claw.

"But I am not a celebrity, you do not need guarding me so tightly." Bardur ignored him, speaking to his man.

"Go to headquarters, and report that mission is going well." Claw was left with twenty dwarves in one room.

"Well, let's begin our interrogation. I hope you have no problems with telling us everything you know." Bardur said coldly. Claw had an impression they were taking it too seriously.

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