In The Dark Alley

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Mei and Davena had joined the school right in the middle of some holiday. They did not get its meaning, the important fact for them was, they had few days off, before attending the school. They spent their first day going through the books Tivan had brought them. On the second day, they dacided to look around a bit. The weather was not bad and after walking out of their dormitory, they could see many people strolling around, enjoying the few remaining days off.

At first sight, they could tell a large portion ot the inner city was occupied by the Magisterium's grounds. As students, they were unable to go to the central part, which contained institutions of state, which were mostly unrelated to the neighbouring school. They walked around the dormitories, which were housed in the huge buildings, that had been build around the rectangle of buildings of the school itself. They walked through the space between the buildings, where there were spacious gardens with many trees and benches.

Venturing beyond the circle formed by dormitories they headed towards four oversized halls. It was apparent, the halls served as storehouses for various goods, which was manufactured in the nearby workshops. They watched the constant flow of carts, carrying goods in and out along the wide street. By the time they walked past the third huge storehouse, they had noticed a row of much smaller buildings on the left, These were probably the houses for servants and labourers.

 By the time they walked past the third huge storehouse, they had noticed a row of much smaller buildings on the left, These were probably the houses for servants and labourers

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Now, they had a rough picture of a large portion of their new school's grounds in their heads. They reached the last of the huge storehouses and turned to the right, but the houses were smaller and there ceased to be any pattern to them. After a while, the were completely unable to keep drawing the picture of their location in their minds anymore. After reaching a remote place, with narrow, gloomy streets, they heard a voice behind them.

"Ah, hello. are you lost?" They turned around and saw a red-haired girl, standing in the middle of an empty street, as every worker was near the halls. "Of course you are not lost, you have naturally found your way to slums," The girl's voice turned venomous."it is where you belong."

Mei and Davena did not know what to think of the sudden encounter and chose to wait and see, what were the other side's intentions.

Leala saw they were not reacting to her taunt and sneered, they were probably too afraid to react. "Human trash!" Laela spat out, she wanted to vent her anger somehow.

* * * *

Triss giggled.

Watching the scene unfoding from the distance, she was pleased with herself. She had managed to get Laela into the right mood and now, she was watching the fruits of her effort. Laela will certainly unleash some spells on them and the two will collapse in tears, dropping out of the school.

She had done her homework and knew, that the two were quite timid. If everything would go as she planned, there would not be any need for multiple attacks.

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