Into the Jungle

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His hand grabbed a branch of a tree. Marius pulled himself up into their treehouse. It was more of a simple wooden platform than something resembling a house, but there was no need for a roof anyway. It seemed, they had fallen onto a jungle continent with a tropical climate. They felt moisture in the air everywhere, the air was so wet, they felt like having a pernament bath.

"Hi there, I have managed to get something to eat again. " He smiled at Davena, while carrying a strange fruit in his hands. It was a big green ball-shaped fruit growing on the ground levels of the jungle.

She did not respond, so he sat on the floor trying to divide his prize into a two halves. They were both a bit shaken after the crash, but he shook it off more easily. After all, it was only yet an another episode in his overcomplicated life, but it was different for Davena.

Up until now, she lived for the order, trying to do the best to protect her comrades and the people of the Imperium Argentum. But it was all over now. She never heard of anyone returning from accidents like this. Now, with no means to return, the order was as good as dead for her.

She clenched her fists, it was hard to know her friends could be dying right now in the aftemath of the crash, or by a sword of the intruders from the connected continent, but there was nothing she could do now.

I won't see them ever again . . .

"Don't be such a scarecrow, these doom and gloom gazes of yours won't do any good. We are still alive and in one piece, so cheer up a bit. " He did not want to lose her now, when all her ties were severed, she could be the only person he could trust now.

"What do you know demon? Nothing. You won!t be defeated event if you die, it is only an another thrilling adventure to you. "She snapped at him.

"Here, have a few bites. " He threw one of the halves at her. She cought it mindlessly and began to eat.

"The demon thinks you are not entirely right. In fact, I was a human too originally and compared to my first awakening, this is a walk in the park.

In the end, the choice is always up to you. To start again, with your bare hands, or to die. " He threw away the remnants of his fruit. "And consider yourself lucky to have this choice, I have no such a luxury. For me, an eternal fight is the only option. Maybe insanity is the other choice I have, but who would want that? "

"Oh, a wise spirit has spoken. Hear his words. " Davena responded sarcastically. After a while she continued their conversation.

"What do you want anyway? " He gazed at her thinking about her question.

"Hard to tell, I do not want to repeat some of my experiences. I will probably look for a mean to steer my reincarnations in the right direction. Something like the [Soul Swap] spell. "

"Such a useless spell. " She mumbled.

"Why useless? You can event become immortal by using it right? " Davena looked puzzled.

"Ah, you do not know how it normally works. " After seeing his surprised face she continued. "That spell has a flaw, everyone will eventually forget all the previous memories. Only the memories from your current brain will remain in the end. Past memories could be supplied by magic, but messing with memories is dangerous. Everyone who tried to become immortal this way ended up as a lunatic or worse. "

"But that means that Huan guy. .. " She nodded her head.

"Yeah, he shall forget who he was, leaving only a part of his personality. He has only Marius's memories now. His brother will have a hard time to persuade him, that he is his brother. " Marius began to understand where his advantage lies.

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