Chapter Thirty-Four

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"We went to Chuck E Cheese, the mall, I got my nails painted and grandma-" "No.." Gabby giggled looking up at Eve then back to the phone smiling. "Nana did my hair see" she said showing her two braids excited.

"You look beautiful baby" "Absolutely stunning princess" Harry smiled as we laid on the bed face timing them. "When are you coming back?" "We'll be home tomorrow night baby, I can't wait to see you" I said excited missing my baby so much.

Of course, I loved this vacation but nothing was better than being home cuddled up with the two loves of my life. 

But, this week was amazing, it was something I've never experienced from the scuba diving, tennis, couples fitness classes to the nightlife here. Everything was amazing just having this with him. For a while, it just felt like just us as a couple. We never had this, we jumped right into adulthood and parenting. 

Once we had our conversation on having another child, Harry had my legs and hips in the air any chance he could get. It made me so happy he was excited and ready for this but, then that left me wondering what if it doesn't work?

He said he's fine with waiting and not rushing but yet, I was always on my back with him beside me talking about names and how much he can't wait to see my growing belly. 

I was excited but, I had to remind myself it could not work and that's okay.

"Okay well, our movie is about to start..." Eve said making me smile seeing Gabby excited "Okay, we'll see you two soon. We love you" "l Love you too"

As soon as the FaceTime ended, Harry pulled me into him kissing my head gently making me giggle locking my phone and fully turning to him. "I enjoyed every single second of this vacation, more than I even expected" he whispered and I smiled agreeing.

"Me too, sucks we have to leave but, I miss my baby" I frowned. "Me too... we'll have other vacations trust me" he promised as he looked down at me smiling so hard his dimples were on full display. I couldn't help myself but poke one smiling.

He quickly caught my finger with his teeth scaring me a bit but, I was definitely more turned on. This man...My man...

"I didn't think we would actually get to do so many activities, get time to just relax and go at it like rabbits in heat" "Oh we were going to make time, I made sure of that" he smirked pressing his lips to mine quickly before pulling away studying my face as my hands slowly and gently ran up his bare chest smiling.

"I don't know what I did to get this lucky with you" he simply said and I laughed shaking my head "Me either. Feels too good to be true" I whispered smiling over at him looking like a god without even trying.

He got fully on top of me and I wrapped my legs around his waist."Trust me love, this is only the beginning for us..." he promised and I instantly became curious about what he had in store for us. My dream had already came true through having him and our family but, he said this was the beginning.

"What else do you have in store for us baby?" I asked seeing just that one word make him smile so hard, I could barely see his eyes anymore. "You never called me baby before" "Just testing the waters" I squealed as he pulled me up as he sat down on the bed with me now on his lap.

"Well I would like to do that with you too..." he whispered tightening his hold on my hip and thigh as he watching me amused. I waited for him to explain but, I couldn't deny the way he was acting was distracting me.

"I feel we have been perfect in handling this... everything and that's because we want the same thing in the end. Happiness and feeling complete. Our daughter is happy, healthy and so are we. We are in love and though I may be moving too quick I don't care, I want more than this. So Hopefully... moving in together soon will be our next step" he said hopeful and I couldn't help but laugh.

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