Chapter Twenty Eight

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Have you ever felt useless. Like you wish you could do something but, you couldn't? And even though you wanted to, you couldn't? Thats how I felt right now. I wanted to do or say something but, I didn't know what I could even do. What could I say that would make this situation any better?


So I sat here watching him pace across the living room for what felt like hours. He was pissed and i'm sure that if Gabby wasn't here he would have full exploded. I had to force him to lay down and stop calling her. If she even answered he would have made it worse.

Before I even woke up, he was out of the house. Didn't answer any of my calls or text and by the time he got back Gabby was stuck at his hip. He stormed in and once he saw her he tried his best to compose himself in the two seconds it took for her to get to him.

Once Gabby settled down watching tv, I pulled him to the room.

"Can she even do that? Leave with my child" "I don't know" I whispered as he paced.

"Maybe she just needs some time to breath Harry. Give her sometime. This isn't the easiest thing to go through so just give her a day to think then send her a message in the morning" I suggested and he didn't respond but stopped taking a breath.

He sat next to me then laid his back on the bed closing his eyes taking a few deep breaths before talking. "Tell me you're pregnant, say you're keeping it then leave..." "Maybe its just too overwhelming, give her time" "What if she doesn't come back? Knowing I have another child out there living..." I looked down knowing that anything I said wouldn't make this better.

It's hard to just calm down and think rationally in this situation.

I squealed as he grabbed my arm pulling me down on to him. He chuckled a bit as I fix myself laying my head on his chest. His fingers slowly ran up and down my back as we laid there in silence.

Suddenly I heard little feet running to us then the bed shifting. She giggled climbing on the bed and over to us. "I want to take a nap too" she laughed making us both bust out laughing as she laid on the other side of him.

"Baby, you want to help me make daddy something to eat? He hasn't eaten all day then maybe we can get some of his favorite ice cream to" her head went up as she nodded smiling. "Lets make pancakes" she cheered making me laugh as I sat up.

"Or we can just go out to eat my treat" Harry suggest sitting up smiling with his dimples showing and she mirror his exact happy expression to the t.  "Even better" I smiled kissing him quickly. "Grab your shoes princess" he said and she quickly got off the bed running to her room.

Before I could get off the bed he was pulling me back to him smiling "Dinners on me as long as I can have you for desert" he smirked and I was a bit taken back but quickly caught on. "How can I resist that offer?" I asked pressing my lips to his before pulling away but he caught me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back on his lap.
He held me like a child in his arms kissing my head gently. "If we didn't need a vacation before, we definitely need it now" "I wouldn't mind having you all to myself for a few days, I would definitely be able to help you relax" I whispered making him smirk.

"Say no more love..." With that, he stood up with me in his arms walking out the room feeling a bit better about things. He was a bit more calmer... not completely but, Ill take what I can. He couldn't push her and I couldn't push him. Things were a bit up in the air and any false moves, could make things worse.

So we try to live our lives and act like its not a big deal but, we knew damn well it was bothering us.


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