Chapter One

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~Present Day- Four Years Later~

"Mommy I want to wear this today" I heard a high pitched and excited voice say behind me. Once I turned, I sighed trying to keep a straight face seeing Gabby in her Halloween costume. Not just any costume, it was a pizza costume.

Once a week she tried to get away with wearing it and my answer, has not changed. Guess she thought her cuteness, chubby cheeks and dimples would work this time.

"Sweetie, you can't wear your old costumes to daycare. You can wear it when you get home but, I need you to get on some jeans and a T-shirt on. Your choice" She frowned but, nodded and took off to her room. I sighed shaking my head continuing to pack mine and her lunch. After a few minutes, I went to check on her seeing her in a blue shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Better. Put your shoes on baby, we are leaving in ten minutes" I whispered heading out finishing the lunches and putting everything away. She came out of her room with her backpack smiling waiting for her lunch box. I returned the smile putting the box in her bag then she ran to grab my bag and pull it over. It was a bit heavy for her but, she managed.

My little helper.

She did what she could to help out in the house and for a three-year-old, I was amazed. She would get herself dressed, help clean up the house, anything to help me. Not really sure she knew our situation with it just being us but, she never asked just did what she could. Even though she was only three she was very smart and independent for her age.

I grabbed my shoes putting them on then looked over to her already standing at the front door smiling. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded smiling hard let's go.


"Morning Cat" I smiled walking in my job heading to my desk and she already seemed like she was having a bad day. Guess a customer called and was being a pain in the ass at eight o clock in the morning. The usual. She looked over smiling then motioned to the phone rolling her eyes. I giggled shaking my head and getting to my desk seeing work already on it.

Didn't bother me at all, the more work, the quicker time passes and thankfully it was Friday. Putting in customers orders and such for eight hours then two free days. I couldn't wait to sleep in a bit, Gabby could cut on cartoons and be okay for another hour or so.

Lunch came quicker than expected, not like I was complaining or anything. But, before I could even get my lunch out, my phone was ringing and it was showing Mae's face. I took a deep breath already knowing what she was about to ask. She wanted to go out as usual, and as usual, I was going to say no. I just wanted to lay down in my bed, I didn't have time to wake up feeling like shit tomorrow and I didn't have a babysitter anyway.

"No" I said picking up the phone and I heard her suck her teeth loudly. Here we go. "You haven't even heard what I had to say" "You want to go out but-" "You have no babysitter I know. My mother will babysit her. And I know that you have to wake up early tomorrow for Gabby's dance class so it will only be two to three hours max" she said happily as I tried to think of a way to get out of it.

Mae's mother was like a second mom, I stayed at her house when my parents went to work till I was old enough to stay alone. I still went over there to hang with Mae though. I couldn't say I didn't trust her.

"Look usually once you say no I'll let it slide but, this is the first time we've all been free to hang out. Everyone separated like two years ago and I miss all of us. I don't know when another time will come around so, just come out for a drink or two and just catch up with the gang"

Things have changed. I had a kid and I couldn't spend my weekends getting drunk because that time was for her. Even then I'm pretty sure, one drink is all I could take.

The Only Exception (H. Styles/ Bwwm)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora