Chapter Twenty

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"So you're really not going to tell me where we are going after dinner?" I asked taking a sip of my wine as he ate some of his food chuckling and shaking his head. I waited and waited but now I was getting anxious. What was this big surprise? Why was he so excited to show me this.

"So impatient" he muttered joking as I rolled my eyes laughing. So difficult.

"I'm just wondering. Can I at least get a hint?" I asked pouting as he sighed shaking his head. "Just know you'll love it" he simply said and that was all I got from him. He wasn't going to give in. Typical Harry.

"Fine, guess all that is left to say is... I love the dress you picked. Thank you" I smiled looking down loving and wondering how the hell he got such a perfect fit. It was a black one-shoulder gown. Definitely on the elegant side.

He returned the smile nodding as he watched me closely. Something he's been doing a lot now. He would just look me over as if he was studying me and I didn't know exactly how to feel about it. It wasn't a bad feeling, just intense. It made me want to know what he was thinking, what did he truly think when he looked at me like that.

I was thinking that more and more.

"You're very welcome, looks just as I expected to look on you... beautiful" he whispered leaning forward as my heart fluttered at his words. We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before both looking away trying to play it cool. I was trying but I couldn't ignore the warmth inside me and heart pounding.

That continued the whole dinner and we tried just talking as we normally do but something was there, unable to ignore. The look in his eyes proved he felt it too but, we didn't dare acknowledge it. Did I want to?

I thought about over and over as I sat in the car blindfolded with his music playing. I was nervous, excited, confused... everything but mostly, I was happy to be spending time with him. I knew it would a great night, I just needed it to go as it should.

After a few minutes, he stopped getting out the car and opened the door for me helping me out the car. I smiled biting my lip anxiously waiting for him to tell me to take the blindfold off and he knew.

He chuckled guiding me in "This is the smile I get before you even know the surprise, I can't wait I to see it after" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek gently making me tense surprised before the smile got even bigger.

"Because I know it's going to be amazing. It's go big or go home with you Harry" I joked and he laughed as we walked in the place.

I could hear people talking lowly with classical music playing in the background. Was this a show or something?

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded smiling. He took the blindfold off and once my vision adjusted I looked around seeing people and paintings. Art show. I smiled looking around seeing people discussing the art in front of them with others before looking at him. The smile on his face was priceless as he watched me.

"You always loved coming to them in school and I thought maybe you missed them so why not?" He asked smiling and without thought, I opened my arms hugging him tightly. Haven't been to one in years and I did miss going, it brought me happiness seeing artist and their passion created.

"Thank you so much for this" I whispered against his chest and he pulled me in kissing my head gently pulling back. "Anything for you, you should already know that" he whispered and I just nodded smiling.

Since that day at his house, he's slowly but surely been more affectionate with me. More kisses on the head, hugs, him saying sweet things. Things I wouldn't really want before but now, I kind of welcomed them a bit. Sometimes it surprised me but, I didn't fight it.

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