80 Hikari's Confession (Present)

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"Here you go." He put the bottle next to the glasses on the kitchen table.

Hikari came over, picked up a glass and took a sip. "Thanks a lot."

"Never mind. Otherwise, are you all right?"

"Yes." She looked around the kitchen, which she had never entered before. She was only here for the second time. Strange, actually, since she and Yuna were best friends after all. But then the blue-haired girl was always so busy, so it was understandable. "Did you read the interview?"

"Not yet. I've forgotten the address of the homepage." Embarrassed, he smiled.

"If you give me your number, I can send you the link."

At first he hesitated, then took his glass and drank it half empty. "Hm... sure. Why not?" He gave her his number, which she immediately put in her cell phone. Internally, the girl made jumps of joy. She had actually gotten the phone number of her crush.

"I'll send you the link in the evening, okay?"

"Yes, cool. Listen, I have to go to rehearsal," he tried to get rid of his guest. Actually, he still had plenty of time, since Kaito had to work longer today, but he didn't have to tell the black-haired girl. He just wanted to study his tabs in his room and practice the solo.

Excited, Hikari asked, "Oh. A new song?"

"No. We play at the school festival. Mizuki wished for a song and now we have to rehearse it within a few days. Pretty exhausting."

"You play at the High School West Festival?!" The girl's eyes almost dropped out of her head.

"Yes, sure. Mizuki is a student there. And the rest of us are all former," Wataru laughed.

"I have to see you! When do you play?"

He squinted at the ceiling before saying, "Thursday at seven o'clock."

"In the evening?!"

"Yes. Do you think I get up so early?" Again he had to laugh.

Hastily, Hikari tapped on her cell phone and opened her calendar. Nisha had brought her the assignment schedule for the classroom cafe yesterday evening. Instantly she turned pale in the face. "I'm getting a seizure!"

"What's going on?" the singer wondered.

"I'm in our shit cafe, exactly at that time." Aghast she moaned. "My life hates me."

"Come on. It's not that bad."

"Hm... I'll ask Yuna-chan if she will switch the shift with me. Her's is in the afternoon." The high-school student looked at the singer. "Then I can see you."


"I mean, she already lives with you. At least she should give me the concert." She could feel that she was grinning all over her face, on the one hand feeling like a complete idiot, but on the other hand she didn't mind because it didn't seem to bother him.

"True," he admitted sheepishly.

Hikari finished her glass and looked at the young man. He just looked very thoughtful, which made him look even hotter in her eyes. Oh, what was she thinking? It didn't matter what Wataru did. She always thought, that he was awesome. He was her absolute dream type, and she was only a few inches away from him.

"Has anything happened?" she asked hesitantly.

His dark eyes focused on hers. "What do you mean?"

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