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*Sherlock POV*

Everything hurts, each breath sending pain through my body. Molly is sitting beside me, holding my hand gently. Graham and Mycroft left the room about an hour ago, promising to be back once they are done talking to the nurses.




She looks up at me sadly, kissing my hand softly.

" are you feeling?"

"I'm not going to make it out of here Molly."

"Yes, you are. They'll figure something out. They...they have to."


"They will. Why...why havent they tried?"


"Why haven't they done anything?"



"Stop it. I'm not leaving unless its in a body bag. There are too many drugs in my system, and they wont be able to draw enough out of my system to fix anything. Trying will only make me live longer, and I...I dont want that. I don't want to lie here in pain any longer than I have to. I still can't move Moll, and it hurts. I'm in pain, but giving me anything to help with that will only make me feel worse. So, please, just stop."

Molly winces, looking away from me. I draw in another shaking breath, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"I'm sorry. I...I didnt mean to snap at you."

"I shouldnt have...shouldnt have tried to-"

"Dont apolagize. Can you...can you go grab Redbeard? I...I want see him more time."

I start coughing, starting to panic as I realize I'm not breathing easily anymore.


Molly springs up when I call out for Mycroft, running out of the room yelling. Mycroft comes in seconds later, followed by Geoff, Redbeard, and Molly.

"Youre alright. Calm down, breathe. Sherlock...please..."

I start breathing again, tears running down my face.

"Its alright."

Mycroft grabs my hand, trying to steady the shaking of his own.

"Red...Redbeard. Please...I...I..."

Greg brings him over, letting him up onto the bed. I hug him tightly to my chest, burying my nose in his fur.



"Take...take care of...of him. Please."


"He needs...someone to...look after him. Myc...Mycroft goes to uni soon...please...take him."

Something starts beeping loudly, startling all of us. Pain shoots through my chest, causing me to cry out. Molly takes Redbeard when I push him off of me, crying as she steps back.


Mycroft lets me sit up, hugging me tightly.

"Its alright Sherlock."

"I...I'm scared Myc. I'm scared."


"It hurts."

"I know. Lie down. Please."

I shake my head, yelling again as more pain shoots through my body.

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