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*Sherlock POV*

"He should wake up soon."


"That's what the nurse said."

I can't open my eyes, barely able to breathe. The voices are distorted and quiet, I cant make out much of what they are saying. Someone is holding my hand, Molly.

"Molly. My hand..."

"Sherlock? Oh my god. Are you alright?"

"Let go. Please."


I wriggle my fingers, groaning when I realize they may be broken. The pressure instantly lifts, helping aleviate a tad bit of the pain.

"Im sorry."

"Its fine. What the hell happened?"

I can't breathe well, each word slow and drawn out as I struggle. The door slams open, light flooding the room. My eyes are still closed, but the light is bright against my eyelids.

"Where is he?"

Mycroft. I hear shuffling as people move away from me, then feel someone's hand on my own.

"What the hell happened to him? He needs a hospital."

"What time is it?"

"School is over. They only let me stay because I got a concussion when he pushed me, and she wanted to monitor me to make sure everything is okay."

"And is everything okay?"

Silence, I assume she is nodding. Someone pulls me up, helping me stand. I fall back when my head starts spinning, sitting back down.

"Can't walk."

"I'm going to have to carry you then."


"Are you his brother?"

The nurse is back in.

"Yes. Why the hell didn't you tell me he was this badly injured?"

"Calm down sir, we did tell you he got in a fight and was beaten rather badly."

"He can barely speak properly, did you check for anything severe?"

"We have his side wrapped, but are required not to put stitches in a student unless its an emergency."

Mycroft inhales deeply, struggling to not start yelling.

"You fucking idiot."

"Mycroft, please. Just take me out of here."

My nose starts bleeding again, worrying Molly first.


"Damn it."

He picks me up carefully, letting me lie my head on his shoulder.

"Bloody expensive suit youre ruining."

"You'll get a new one, I'm sure father won't mind."

I start coughing, making Mycroft set me down until I can breathe again.

"Go get the car started, can you drive yet?"

"No I...I don't have my licence yet."

"Start the car, get in the back."

She takes the keys, running off to the car.

"Sherlock, stay awake. Stay awake. Hey! Dont pass out."

I nod weakly, nearly puking as a wave of nausea washes over me.

"We need to move you again. The hospital is about a ten minute drive, I'm sticking you in the back with Molly."


He picks me up, walking quickly to the car. The air inside is warm, making me tired. I cant see anything still, light hurting too much for me to open my eyes, but I can feel Molly's body shaking. I reach out for her hand, mumbling softly as I pass out again.

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