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*Sherlock POV*

Someone is tugging on my shirt, quickly undoing the buttons. I cross my arms over my chest, not allowing my shirt to be taken.

"We need to take this off of you so we can hook you up to the monitors and get your side stitched up."

The nurse gently takes my wrists, uncrossing my arms and sliding my shirt off of me. They make me lie down again, pinning my arm to the bed and trying to put a tube in my arm. I pull it out quickly, not trusting the substance.

"Leave that in please."

I still cant have my eyes open, but I can feel everything they are doing to me. They keep trying to put an IV or something in my arm, and I keep pulling it back out again.

"William, you need to stop fighting us. We're trying to help. As soon as you are done, we can let your friend and brother back."

I finally lie back, relaxing my arm to let them put the tubes and needles in.

"Can you open your eyes?"

"It hurts."

"Just try please."

I nod, opening my eyes and wincing at how bright the room is.

"We can dim the lights for you once we are finished. You can close your eyes again if you want to."

I close my eyes, head hurting from the light and my concussion.

"He needs stitches in his left side. Check his hand, the fingers are swollen and he hasn't been able to move them yet. We need a morphine drip over here, I dont want him in constant pain."

Someone rolls something in, hopefully the morphine drip. The nurse pins my arm again, carefully sticking the tube into my arm.

"Turn it up to half, we need to get the stitches in as soon as possible."

"Alright, up to half. You're good to start on the stitching. Needs some on his head too."

"Lets get started. William, lie on your side please."

Someones hand is on my hip, gently helping me roll over. The needle is sharp, stinging slightly as the nurse begins the stitches.

"Lie still, its just a few minutes."

I bite my lip, wincing when she does more of the stitches.

"Cut this here."

She helps me lie on my back, smoothing back my hair and wiping the blood off my skin with a cool cloth.

"Okay, I'm starting on your head now. Stay as still and relaxed as you can, it'll help so it doesnt hurt so much."


I relax, wincing as she begins.


The second set takes longer, and it hurts more.

"Okay, we're done with the stitches William. I'm going to let your brother back."

"Molly too?"

"The girl?"

I nod.

"Yes, she can come back too."

"Thank you."

"I'm dimming the lights now, so you should be okay to open your eyes."

I lie my head back, slowly letting my breath out. The lights dim, and I am able to open my eyes again. Someone opens the door, and I am almost immediately being hugged by Mycroft.

"Are you okay?"

"Get...get off...please."

He pulls back, sitting beside me on the bed.

"How do you feel?"

"They're getting worse."

"I know."

Mycroft gently touches my face, running his finger down the fresh stitches on my forehead.

"I'm sorry."

He hugs me again, and I realize he is crying.   The door opens and Molly walks in, pausing before she sits down in the chair. I wriggle away from Mycroft, reaching out for her to come sit next to me.

"Are you okay?"

"Sherlock I'm fine."

She laughs softly, soon starting to cry again.



"Go home. Get some sleep. Please."


"No. Its fine. Please, go home."

"Are you sure?"



She hugs me gently, kissing me before she stands.

"Message me later, I want to check in on you."

"I will. Be careful, dont get hurt."

She nods, kissing me again before turning and leaving the room.

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