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*Sherlock POV*

Hey, not sure if youre up or not, but I wanted to check in on you. -MH


"No its umm...its Molly. Ill be fine. Thanks for stopping in though."


I look over at John, shaking my head to clear the confusion.


"We have been here for nearly five hours."

"No you havent. It was half an hour ago that you walked in."

"Get some sleep, maybe your head will be clearer when you wake up."

Mary left already, only here for a few minutes. John on the other hand, has been here for the full half hour, so I haven't been bored.

"Sure. Tomorrow then?"

"Yes. I promise ill be back tomorrow."

"Thank you."

He smiles, hugging me before he leaves. The lights are still dimmed, so my eyes hurt when the hall light filters in for the few seconds the door is open.

Hello Molly. -SH

Oh my god are you okay? -MH

My head hurts, but yes I'm okay. -SH

Are you sure? -MH

Yes. How do you feel? -SH

Just woke up. Toby and I passed out on the sofa after I got home. -MH

And your head? -SH

Slight headache. Nothing too bad. -MH

That's good. -SH

Yeah, for sure. Promise me youre okay? -MH

I'm fine. -SH

Promise me Sherlock. -MH

Alright. I promise. I'm fine. -SH

Thank you. -MH

Yeah. -SH

The door opens again, and a nurse walks in.

"Lights out William, you need to get some sleep."



"My name is Sherlock."

She tips her head at me, puzzled expression on her face.

"Stop calling me William."

The nurse finishes checking everything over, helping me sit up so I can take the medication before telling me its time to go to sleep. I lie back, tugging the blanket tighter around myself.

"Just call a nurse in if you need anything."

She leaves, switching off the lights for me. Its only ten, maybe John is still up.

John... -SH

Yeah, whats up? -JW

I'm bored. -SH

I know. Its alright, try to get some sleep. -SH

I'm not tired. -SH

They wont let us in to see you again. Ill stop by Molly's house tomorrow morning and drop off some stuff for you to do. -JW

Thank you. -SH

Yeah. -JW

When did you and Mary go? -SH

About two hours ago. Did you fall asleep again? -JW

No. Ive been awake the whole time. -SH

Even more of a reason for you to get some sleep. Do you want Mary and I to stop by after school tomorrow? -JW

Please. -SH

Alright. After practice is over ill head down, she should come with me. -JW

Thank you. -SH

Yep. Now go to sleep. -JW

Do I have to? -SH

Ill message Mycroft and tell him you're still up. He'll shut off your mobile till tomorrow morning. -JW

Damn it. Please don't. -SH

Then go to sleep. I don't want to do it, but I will if it means you are going to sleep. -JW

Fine. Night. -SH

Good night. Get some sleep. -JW

John signs off, leaving me bored as ever. I roll onto my side, trying to find a comfortable position to lie in, but my body is covered in too many bruises to lie down comfortably. Sleep comes slowly, but I do eventually manage to close my eyes and drift off.

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