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*Sherlock POV*

"Sherlock, are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Do you want to work on something?"

"God yes."

I sit up slowly, watching Molly pull a stack of notebooks from her bag.

"I'm not sure what this is, John,dropped it off this morning for you."

She leans against me, curling up against my chest as I open the first notebook. Its full of scrawled out notes, my old ones from previous cases. A sticky note is on one of the pages, falling out when I open it.

New case, message the DI for info. Said to send you your old files so you can go throught them, thinks its a repeat offender. Could be dangerous, stay in bed.

"What is it?"

"Stuff for a case."

"A case?"


I pull out my mobile, messaging the DI.

John said to message you for the case information? -SH

It takes a few minutes, but I do eventualy get a reply.

Yes. Suspected repeat offender, probably the same one from last years string of murders. When can you make it into the office to go over everything? -GL

Stuck in the hospital at the moment. -SH

What happened? -GL

Long story. School. -SH

Do you want me to come in later today? -GL

Molly is sleeping, curled up against my side.

What time were you thinking? -SH

As soon as I can. -GL

Does now work? I have a visitor, but she can stay. -SH

I'm heading over in a few minutes then. Should be there within the next half hour or so. -GL

Thank you. -SH

No problem. Lets hope you can figure this out quickly. -GL

Its probably obvious. Very much so. We shall see. -SH

The DI signs off, leaving me to switch off my mobile and lie down with Molly. She wakes, wincing when she sees me so close.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just startled me being that close and all."


"Dont be."

She kisses me lightly, hand slipping into mine.

"What did you do yesterday after I left?"

"John and Mary came for a while. Nothing after they left."

"So what's the case this time?"

"Not sure yet."


"The detective inspector is coming for a visit right now though, he wanted me to come in but I'm stuck here."

"Thats alright."

She snuggles against my side, taking my hand in hers.

"What do you want to do until he gets here?"

"Lie down with you."

Molly smiles, shifting so we can both lie down together. I close my eyes, waking up some time later when Molly shifts beside me. The DI is here, a new one actually.


"Hey Sherlock. How are you feeling?"

"I'm slowly dying, nothing new. Did you bring the files for me?"

"Of course I brought the files."

I sit up, careful not to disturb Molly, and reach out for the stack. Lestrade passes them over, sitting down in the chair as I start scanning papers.

"Its him, its defianately him. I...I need to go to the scene of the most recent murder. Its still blocked off I should hope?"

"It is, but I am under strict orders that you are not to be released to help."

"Orders from who?"


"Damn it."

"Just look through the files here, and tell me what you need done. Ill make sure it gets done, I promise."

"At least three more murders before I get released."

I start listing off deductions, talking almost too fast for Lestrade to keep up. Molly wakes suddenly, blushing when she realizes that Lestrade is here.

"Sorry I can...umm...ill go and let you two be alone."

"Stay, its alright."

She nods, leaning against my side.

"I'm Greg."



He looks over at me, frowning in obvious confusion.

"What are you talking about Sherlock?"

"Your calling yourself 'Greg' now? Why?"

"That has always been my name, are you okay Sherlock?"

I shake my head to clear it, frowning back at 'Greg.'

"Lie down Sherlock, its probably just congative problems caused by the concussion."

Molly makes me lie down, handing Lestrade the files back.

"I could stay, or leave..."

"We need to figure this out here because my brother wont let me out."

We start talking about the case, Molly occasionally answering a question or standing when I need her to.

"That's enough for today, ill be back tomorrow Sherlock."

"We need to finish."

"Not today, your brother would have me fired if he found out I stayed when you should clearly be sleeping."

Lestrade packs up quickly, thanking me again for helping, and leaves.

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