An Old Acquaintance

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*Sherlock POV*

My cell buzzes again, probably Mycroft asking where I went. Molly is leaning against my side, snuggled close to me as I pull my arm tighter around her waist.

"Are you okay Sherlock?"


We're almost to her house, the front light is still on. Redbeard lifts his nose into the wind, sniffing the fridged air. He growls softly, moving closer to Molly and I.

"What's wrong buddy?"

He stops suddenly, putting all his weight against the leash. This is unusual for him, disobedience has never been a problem.

"Redbeard, come on."

I start tugging on the leash, giving up when I find he isnt going to move.

"Is he okay?"

"I'm not sure, he has never done this before."

"Do you need to take him home?"

"Hes not moving."

Redbeard lets out another growl, sound emitting from deep in his throat. The last time he did this didnt end well.


"Someone is following us. Someone he doesnt trust."

"Should we start moving again?"

"Yes, definately. Redbeard, lets go."

I snap my fingers, pulling on the leash. This time he listens, sticking close to my side. Molly presses against my other side, gripping my hand tightly.

"Who is it?"

"I dont know. Keep going, we're almost to your house."

"How are you going to get home Sherlock?"

"Ill walk back."


"I have no choice, I need to get home and everyone is probably sleeping by now."

"Then stay at my house. Please, I don't want you two walking home if there is someone following us here."

"Ill message Mycroft."

"Thank you."

Molly pulls her key out of her pocket, unlocking the door quickly. She pulls me inside, making sure Redbeard follows before she closes it again. We head to her room immediately, locking the bedroom door as well. I sit against it, gently pushing Redbeard away.


"Where are you?"

"We need help."

"What happened?"

"Someone followed us back to Molly's house. Redbeard noticed first, so we are in her house right now."

"Do you want me to come get you?"

"I dont know."

"Ill drive down real fast. Send me the address."

The line goes dead, so I message him with the address.

"Is he coming to get you?"

"I think so."

My cell buzzes again, Mycroft calling back.

"There's a problem."

"What is it?"

"Someone slashed my tires, I cant replace them right now. Are you okay to stay there for the night?"

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