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*Molly POV*

"Is he still awake?"

"I...I don't think so. He's breathing, but barely. Are we almost there?"

"Few minutes I swear."

Sherlock groans loudly, waking up again. He's shaking, grip on my hand tightening as the pain washes over him again.

"Shhh...You're alright."

I run my fingers through his hair, stopping when he winces.


"No what?"

He grabs my hand, bringing it back to his head. I smile softly, continuing to gently run my fingers through his curls.



"His head. There's...hes bleeding. And his shirt. And..."

"Fuck. Alright. Can you support him in?"

"I think so."

"Do that. I'm going to go park the car and ill be right in. You know his age and stuff?"

"Its fine Mycroft, I'm still awake."

Sherlock starts coughing again, rolling onto his side. The car stops, and I throw open the door.

"Come on Sherlock, I've got you. Lean on me, come on."

He lets me help him, crying out when his foot hits the ground.

"What was that?"

"It hurts."

"I know. Come on, just through the doors and you can sit down I promise."

He chuckles weakly, laughter soon turning to another fit of coughing. We make it through the doors, both of us covered in blood.

"What did he get himself into? Accident?"



Sherlock collapses, sitting on the floor. He looks up, taking over and talking to the nurse.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes."



"And how long ago were you injured?"

"Beginning of the day. Have been knocked out in the infirmary all day. Brothers outside, coming in soon."

"I need two rooms, he needs serious attention now."

Someone runs over, lifting Sherlock into a wheelchair and carting him off down the hall.

"And what about you? What are you in for?"

"Suspected concussion and wrist, I dont think its okay either."

She takes my injured hand, bending my wrist back until I wince. Not very far.

"Range of movement is severely limited, possible sprain. Not a break though. Whats your name?"

"Molly Hooper."



"Take her back, suspected concussion and possible sprained wrist. Get her in a room and have x-ray scans taken to confirm the sprain and check for fractures. Watch her for the concussion."

Mycroft runs in, out of breath and panicking.

"Where did he go?"

"Hes already back. I'm going back now, shouldnt take too long. I dont think they'll hold me for very long."

"We won't, just need to confirm everything and you'll be released to wait for your friend."

"Thank you."

Mycroft nods, walking over and sitting in the waiting area.

"Come on back."

I follow a nurse back, messaging my mum before they take my mobile for the x-rays.

In the hospital. Call you ASAP. Love you. -HM

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