After School Activities

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*Sherlock POV*

I'm not allowed to leave the nurses office alone, she holds me after school until I call someone to come get me. John and Mary come, both clearly worried.

"Why didn't you tell us you were okay?"

"Ummm...something came up?"

"What happened?"

We are kicked out of the clinic, sent out of the building quickly. John keeps close, ready to help me if I need anything.

"Just stuff, you know?"

"What type of stuff?"

"Shhh. Here she comes."

Molly sprints across the lawn and throws herself at me, looking embarrassed when she pulls back from the hug.

"I'm fine. See? I told you I would be okay."

She laughs, quieting when John clears his throat.

"You said you two weren't...Oww!"

Mary punches his arm, telling him to shut up. He laughs, hugging her.

" you guys want to go out to dinner tonight? All four of us and maybe..Greg, I dont know."

"I'm not going to practice tonight, so I'm free."

"Me too."

We all turn to Molly, who has turned a shade of bright pink.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good."

Mary and John go left, heading home to change and do some assignments before dinner. I walk Molly home, surprised when she pulls me down for a quick kiss before she goes into her house.

"Ill pick you up at five thirty? Dinner is at six."

"Sure. Ill see you then."


She closes the door after I walk off of the terrace, still blushing. I walk slowly back to my house, I have an hour to kill before I need to be back. Everyone is home when I walk in, trying to talk to me about what happened.

"Sherlock dear, I got a call home from the nurse today. Let me look at you."

I reluctantly walk into the sitting room, letting mummy look at my face before I run upstairs. Redbeard is lying on the bed, jumping up when I walk in.

"Hey boy. How was your day?"

He watches me as I get ready, cursing when I can't find matching socks. John messages me, confirming that dinner is at six.

Yes, Molly and I are walking together.- SH

Thanks. I'm walking with Mary.- JW

Yep.- SH

See you guys there.- JW

Yep.- SH

I dash into the washroom, using a tad bit of product in my hair before running back out.

"How do I look?"

Redbeard lifts his head, barking at me in approval when I lift my arms up.

"Ill see you later buddy, be good."

He follows me out of my room and down the stairs into the sitting room. I walk quickly towards the door when I'm stoped by my father.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Mycroft snickers. My family sits there looking at me inquisitively. I smile cockily, before responding.

"To my girlfriends!"

Mycroft's eyes widen and his mouth drops. I hop outside and hear two squeals from my mother and Mrs. Hudson. My cell buzzes a few seconds later, a message from John.

We are going to be a tad late. Dont worry, you'll be fine.- JW

How late?- SH

Twenty minutes tops.- JW

Okay.- SH

You'll do fine, remember what I told you.- JW

Thanks.- SH

I stand on Mollys terrace, hand hovering above the door. Molly answers it when I knock, smiling when she sees me.

"Hey Sherlock. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. I took some ibuprofen before I left, and I have more in my pocket in case I need it later."

"You're hurting again?"

"Not at the moment."

"Let me know if you do."

I nod, letting Molly pull me into the house.

"Drop your bag off in my room, we should head out soon."

She leads me upstairs, opening the door to a well sized room. I set my bag down under her desk, walking back outside.

"Are they meeting us here or at the restaraunt?"


Molly leans against me, lying her head on my shoulder.

"I dont know what to do."

"What do you mean?"

"What do I do? You seem to know what to do right now."

"Take your arm, and put it here."

She gently grabs my wrist, putting my arm around her waist.

"Now walk with me. Not too fast, but not too slow."

I fall in step with her, trying to get around the awkwardness of walking with her at my hip.

"We dont have to if you dont want to Sherlock."

"I...I want to make this work. For you."

She laughs softly, lying her head back on my shoulder. We make it to the restaurant early, sitting by the fountain to wait for John and Mary. Molly is oddly quiet, looking up at the patch of sky that you can see the stars in.

"Hey. Are you two ready?"


I pull Molly up and we walk into the building together, following close behind John and Mary. Molly squeezes my hand tighter when I press against her side, looking up at me in concern.

"Are you okay Sherlock?"


We sit down at a table in the back of the room, receiving our menus quickly.

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