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Hello, I am trying new things before the end of summer. This is my first shot at a Sherlolly fanfic, so please leave loads of comments and any suggestions you may have. I hope that everyone enjoys reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. Loads of love to everyone!


*Molly POV*

"Don't forget your lunch Molly, its up on the counter. Have a good day at school."

"Thanks mum. See you later."

I pull a jacket on, shoving my feet into a pair of sneakers and slinging my bag over my shoulder before walking out the front door. The walk to school isnt long, just cold and windy. It starts raining about half way there, skies opening suddenly to drench everything in water. I start running, hitting the ground suddenly.

"Are you okay? Let me help you up."

A boy is standing above me, long arm extended to help me. I take his hand slowly, blushing when he pulls me up and I realize who it is.

"Hi, thank you. Umm...I'm sorry, I dont recall meeting you before."

"Thats because you havent. I'm Sherlock. Careful, the pavement is a tad slick."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

He starts walking again, long strides twice the length of mine. I have to jog to catch up, still dripping wet from the puddle water. Sherlock slows, allowing me a few seconds to reach his side before he sets off again. We make it into the building a few minutes before the first bell, shoes squeaking loudly on the linoleum floors. I crouch beside my locker, trying to get the lock open.

"Need help?"

Sherlock is looking down at me, head tilted slightly.

"Yes please."

He kneels, gently pulling my hands away from the lock.

"What's your combination?"

I pull my notebook out, looking at the numbers I have written neatly along the top line.


The lock dosent open, no matter what combination he tries. I notice he keeps looking at his wristwatch nervously, we need to get to class soon.

"New locker?"

"New school."

I look away from him, trying not to stare at his face too much.

"You can use mine today."

"No, its fine. Ill take my stuff with me, and talk to administration during lunch."

"Come on, its fine. I don't use half the space anyways."

"Thank you."

He stands quickly, leaving me to scramble up after him. His locker is near my homeroom, but further away from his than he will have time to get to class on time.


"Thank you."

The bell rings as I am sinking into my chair, I barely made it in time. Class is quick, algebra, and so is my next block, history. Lunch is beginning to get dull, I haven't made any friends yet, when I notice shouting coming from one of the side halls. No one else seems to notice, especially after the noise quiets. I get up slowly, leaving my lunch on the table, and walk down the hall. Someone is on the ground, surrounded by a group of boys. They are all yelling, taunting whoever they have cornered. My stomach twists as I realize who it is, Sherlock. He catches my eye, panic shooting through his expression. The boys scatter when a door opens, Sherlock forgotten in the face of immidiate disciplinary action. I crouch by his side, trying to see if he is okay. He stands abruptly, using the wall for support.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Leave me alone."

Sherlock starts walking away, wincing with every step. He pauses before heading into the main hall with the rest of the students, inhaling deeply. I try to follow him, to make sure he is okay, but suddenly realize I forgot my lunch bag in the lunch room. It almost makes me late to class, the halls are still a tad confusing, but I make it to the door as the bell is ringing. I look around the room, seeing if I have anyone from my first two blocks. Instead, I see Sherlocks bruised face staring back at me. The only empty seat is at his lab station, my seat now. He smiles softly, wincing in pain when he shifts in his seat. I walk over slowly, sitting in the empty chair.

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