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*Molly POV*

I leave after the third time Sherlock pushes me away, head spinning. The cab ride home is silent, though my mum does try to call me a few times.

I'm on my way back now. Had to check on Sherlock first. Be home in a minute. -MH

"Thank you."

I hand the cabbie some money, hopping out and stumbling into the house.

"Molly, is that you?"

"Yeah mum. I'm home."

Mum practically runs into the front room, hugging me tightly.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Just a minor concussion. They said to stay home from school tomorrow, and to go back if I'm throwing up or if the headaches don't go away within the week."

"What happened?"

"Fight at school. I was trying to help Sherlock. Anderson was beating him and I tried to pull him off, he pushed me and I hit the lockers. I'm fine, really."

"What? Molly, how?"

"Mum, its fine. Im staying home tomorrow, but should be okay to go back to school in a few days. You need to go get ready for work."

She looks down at her watch, quickly exiting the room to go finish getting ready. I walk slowly into the kitchen, pulling a glass down from the cabinet and filling it with water. Toby comes downstairs, hopping up onto the sofa beside me.

"Hey buddy."

He nudges his way under my arms, purring when I start petting him.

How are you feeling? -JW

I'm fine. Have you seen Sherlock yet? -MH

He just fell asleep. Mary and I came a few hours ago. -JW

He let you stay? -MH

Yeah. Messaged me and told me where he was. Asked if we would come so he wasnt bored. -JW

Oh. -MH

He cares for you, and youre hurt too. Message him later, give it an hour or two. Hes finally sleeping. -JW

How is he doing? -MH

His memory is still fuzzy. He was asking for you, but then remembers you are hurt and lies back down. -JW

Do you think he'll let me stay tomorrow? I cant go to school for a few days. -MH

He will probably ask you to come anyways. If he doesn't, just stop by and see him. Mycroft has to work, so hes not there to keep him company. -JW

Thanks. -MH

Of course. -JW

He signs off, leaving me alone and restless. Toby is sleeping beside me, so I have nothing to do until Sherlock wakes up. I lie down carefully, closing my eyes and letting myself sleep finally.

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