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*Molly POV*

Meet me @ the park. Noon. Just you, no one else please. -SH

Are you okay? -MH

I need to talk to you about something. -SH

Ill be there. -MH

Thank you. -SH

Sherlock signs off, leaving me to my thoughts. I look at my clock, realizing I have twenty minutes to get ready and make it to the park. Toby meows loudly when I hop off of my bed, upset that I need to leave.

"Ill be back later."

I write a note out to mum, letting her know ill be back later and where I'm going. Its cold out again, but I cant go back to the house and make it to the park on time. No coat is fine for today, I cant imagine we will be gone long. Sherlock is walking around on the dock, Redbeard lying in the grass near by.



He continues walking, stopping when I stand next to him.

"Are you okay? You scared me last night."

"You need to know what's going on?"

"Only if you want to talk about it, you don't have to if your arent ready."

"John said you should know."

"And what do you think?"

"I...I'm not sure what to think."

"What did you and John talk about?"

"He...he ummm...said I should tell you what I have. Whats...what's wrong with me. He says its okay, because you like me. And it was...okay when I told him, because we are...friends. Are we...friends now too?"

He is so awkward in this that its adorable, he wants to talk about it.

"Lets go sit down somewhere, and we can talk through everything."


I start walking towards a table, turning back to make sure he is following.

"Redbeard, come on. Heel."

The dog stands, trotting to Sherlocks side quickly.

"Did you train him?"

"Sort of. He is smart, very intelligent dog. More so than others."

"Amazing. He listens to everything you tell him to do?"

"That and then some."

Sherlock smiles, falling in step with me again. We pick a picnic table under one of the trees, brushing the damp leaves off the bench before sitting. I sit across from Sherlock, watching Redbeard lie down at Sherlocks feet.

"So this is Redbeard. He's My...he helps with problems."

"What sort of problems?"

He tenses up, reaching down to pet Redbeard. The dog hops onto the bench beside Sherlock, lying his head on Sherlocks knees.

"Its fine, you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to."

"John told me to talk to you."

"Only if you want to Sherlock. I'm not going to make you talk to me, its up to you how much you tell me and how much you dont."

"I...I'm scared of messing up again."

"Messing what up?"

He starts shaking, closing his eyes tightly.

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