Starting The Project

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*Molly POV*

My last class is English, very easy. I head to Sherlocks locker immediately after, hoping to catch him on the way out the door. Two people are already there, standing on either side of the locker. I walk over slowly, still not sure who they are. Sherlock walks up as I am struggling to open the locker, gently pulling me away and putting in the combination himself.

"Sherlock, what happened to you?"

One of the two that were waiting for him step closer, the girl.

"Was this Anderson again?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Why did he do it this time?"

"I said I'm fine Mary."

Sherlock turns back to grabbing his things, sighing loudly when the boy grabs his arm.

"Bloody hell Sherlock! What is this and why haven't you had it looked at yet?"

"I'm fine, leave it alone."

"No it is not okay!"

"Fine. Fix it or whatever it is you do."

"Take off your jacket."



"Not here."

He pulls his arm free, slamming the locker shut and walking away. I stay here, the couple start talking to me.

"What happened to him?"

"A fight. He was attacked."

"How bad is his arm?"

"I don't know, he wouldn't let me check on him."

"I'm Mary by the way. This is John."

"Molly. Look..umm...I need go get home. I have a lot of homework."

"Sure. Message me if anything happens, please. Here's my number."

Mary writes a number on my notebook quickly, handing it back to me before walking away with John. I slip my books into my bag, walking outside. It is still raining, much to my disappointment. It reminds me of this morning, Sherlock. My mind wanders as I walk home, I want to see more of him. The rain picks up suddenly, drenching me again. Mum isnt home from work, she works the late shifts, so I drop my bag off in my room and change out of my wet school clothes. I see a new message has popped up recently on my cell, one from an unknown number.

Is this Molly?-SH

Sherlock?- MH

Yes.- SH

Yeah. This is Molly.- MH

Do you want to go out tonight?- SH

My heart speeds up, is he actualy asking me out?

To work on the project?- MH

Yes, of course.- SH

Yeah. That would be okay.- MH

There's a coffee shop near the park.- SH

Okay. What time?- MH

I'm already here.- SH

He cant be serious, this is too quick. I pull my hair back, slipping on a pair of sneakers and a jacket before leaving the house with my schoolbag. The place isn't too difficult to find, just across the street from the park. I walk in slowly, breathing in the smell of coffee and baking bread. Sherlock is at a table near the window, deep in concentration when I sit down. He doesn't notice me until I tap him on the shoulder, leaning across the table.


"Sorry, I didnt mean to startle you."

"No...its fine."

We sit here for a few minutes, watching each other, before Sherlock clears his throat and grabs his computer from his bag.

"So based on the positioning if the body, I would have to say it was moved post-mortem..."


"Sorry. Wrong file."

"You already started?"

"Obviously. Its almost done."

"How? School just ended an hour ago."


"What do I need to do for it?"

"The speaking part. You can do that."

"I'm...I'm not good with public speaking."

"Neither am I. Please Molly."

"Can I see what you have done so far?"

He slides the laptop across the table, spinning it around so the screen faces me. I scroll through everything, watching Sherlock cross the room when he gets up.


Sherlock hands me a coffee, fingertips brushing mine as he presses the cup into my hands.


I take a sip of the hot liquid, watching him as he spins the laptop back around and continues typing.

"Did I get it right?"


"Your coffee. Did I get it right?"

I realize he did order my favorite, without asking me what I liked.

"How did you know?"

He sets off in an explanation of how simple it is, looking back down as he is speaking.

"But how did you do it?"

"Simple observation and deduction."


"Its nothing of the sort."

He looks down at his tea, studying the cup intently. The look on his face is adorable, eyebrows knit and nose scrunched up.

"Will you please do the speaking part?"

"I...I could try. I'm not sure though."

"We have two weeks for you to study the presentation I put together."

Sherlock snaps his laptop shut suddenly, slipping everything into his bag.

"Goodbye Molly. Ill see you tomorrow."


I watch him leave, excited for school tomorrow.

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