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*Molly POV*

Sherlock was released from the hospital yesterday, already out on the case with Greg. My mobile rings, startling Toby so badly he falls off the bed and runs out of my room.



"Yeah. Sherlock? What's...what's wrong?"

He sounds like he's crying, a quick glance at my clock tells me its close to midnight.

"What's wrong?"

"I...can I come...come to your..your house? Please."

"Umm...yeah. Yeah...that's fine."

He hangs up suddenly, showing up on my doorstep about ten minutes later.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Sherlock is terrified, locking the door after he steps inside.


"He's....he's gone."


He holds something up, Redbeards leash.

"Where did he go?"

"I...I can't find...find him."

"Breathe Sherlock, its alright. Come sit down and ill make you some tea, alright?"

He shakes his head, mumbling softly. I pull him closer to me, hugging him tightly.

"You're okay. Do you want me to call Mycroft?"

Sherlock nods, sitting down against the wall.

"Give me your phone."

I hold out my hand, unlocking the mobile and dialing Mycrofts number.


"Its Molly. We umm...can you come over here please?"

"He's with you?"


"Ill be over in a few minutes. Dont let him out of your sight. Is he high again?"

I look over in worry, noticing that he is shaking badly.

"I...I cant tell. Hes absolutely terrified. What happened?"

"Its his dog."

"Yeah, that's all he has told me so far."

"Stay with him please. I'm driving over now."


"Give Sherlock back his mobile, I need to talk to him."

"Sherlock, here."

Sherlock looks up, wiping the tears from his face and reaching out to take his mobile back.

", I'm not....hurry up then...where...where is he?"

Sherlock starts crying again, slowly setting his mobile down beside him. I kneel down, reaching out to pull him into a hug.

"Dont touch me."

He leans back against the wall again, knees drawn to his chest. There is a knock at the door, Mycroft coming in as soon as I open it for him.


"Where is he?"

"We dont know."

Mycroft hugs Sherlock tightly, whispering softly. Sherlock nods, wiping the tears from his face in a failed attempt to calm down.

"I....I...need to go...go find him. Please...Myc...Mycroft."

"Greg is looking already, but we haven't found him."

"This is your fault. You didnt watch him while I was gone."


"I'm leaving."

Sherlock stands quickly, wincing as he does so.

"Youre hurting yourself, stop it Sherlock."

I reach out towards him, wincing when he flinches. He opens the door, running off down the street.

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