One Day

9 5 0

*Molly POV*

"Has the tracker moved?"

"No. How close are you?"

"Few minutes from the address."

I'm talking to Greg, keeping them updated over the phone.

"Wait...its...its fading out. The screens just died, all of them."


"Lock the doors, we're at the location now. Dont open the door until we come back."

"O...okay. Call me back when...when you find him. Please."

"Ill have him call you if he can. If not, we'll call you instead."

"Thank you."

The line goes dead, followed by the screens flickering back on and off. Mrs. Hudson brings me some tea, sitting down beside me.

"They'll bring him back okay."

I nod weakly, barely tasting the tea as I slowly drink it. The whole house smells of baking, something Mrs. Hudson and Mycroft have been doing all week as we have heard nothing from Sherlock until now. She gets back up slowly, muttering something about the silence and lack of messes.

I jump when my mobile rings, waking me up from my sleep. I dont move, letting it go to voicemail before I realize that was probably Mycroft or Sherlock. Greg picks up on the second ring, voice cracking when he tries to speak.

"Where is he?"

"Myc...Myc sent someone go get you."

"Is everyone alright?"



"Just get in the car when it pulls in."


Someone knocks on the door, just as Greg hangs up. Mrs. Hudson makes me put on a coat, Sherlocks, before I leave.


"Yes. Where...where are we going?"


The ride is short and silent, someone escorts me into the building and to the lift.

"Room 221."

I nod, walking quickly down the corridor to a closed door. Greg opens it, eyes red. Obviously he has been crying.


"He's...hes in here."

I step through the door, blinking rapidly as I try to keep the tears from falling. Sherlock is beaten and bloody, barely awake and clearly in pain.


"I'm right here."

I walk over slowly, reaching out and taking Sherlocks hand.

"'s too late to flush it out of his system, there's...there's too much."

"So hes..."


"How long?"

"Today. Thats it."

"No. He..he cant. There has to be something we can do."

Mycroft shakes his head, watching Sherlock sadly. I sit in the chair, still holding Sherlocks hand.

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