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*Molly POV*

"Do we do the thing now?"

"What thing?"

"The thing we did when we were walking here."

"If you want."

He smiles, awkwardly sliding his arm back around my waist. We walk to my house together, my head on his shoulder.

"How much did you get done?"

"All of it. We just need to get you ready to do the speaking part."

"I thought we were doing that together."

I unlock the front door quickly, pulling Sherlock upstairs to my room. Mum isnt home yet, so we are able to go upstairs quickly.

"Molly! What is that?"

Sherlock jumps onto my bed, pointing at the ground below him.

"What's wrong?"

"Something just attacked me, I think I went under the bed."

"Toby, here boy."

I click my tongue, waiting for Toby to run out from under my bed. Toby jumps onto the bed beside Sherlock, butting his head against Sherlocks hand.

"This is Toby, my cat."

"That is a cat?"

"Yes. He likes you."

"It hates me."

"No he doesn't."

Toby hisses at Sherlock when he tries to pet him, swiping at Sherlocks hand. Sherlock jumps back, standing quickly.


He jabs his finger at Toby before crossing his arms.

"Its fine, he'll warm up to you soon."

Toby hisses again, jumping off the bed and slipping out of my room.

"Or not."

Sherlock sits on my floor, pulling his laptop from his bag.

"Read through this, see what you think."

I take the computer from him, scrolling through the files he has typed up.

"What do you think about moving this slide and replacing it with this one here?"

He doesnt respond, remaining still and silent. I turn around after the fifth question he ignores, smiling when I realize he is sleeping. His lips are parted slightly, chest rising and falling steadily. I pull a blanket off my bed, lying him down and putting a pillow under his head. Toby slinks back into the room, sitting on my lap when I go back to reading the files. I scratch his ears, listening to him purr softly. Sherlock rolls over, groaning when he lies on his arm. I scoot closer to him, gently rolling him back onto his back. He wakes up when I am tucking the blanket back around his shoulders, freezing up badly.

"Are you okay Sherlock?"

"Where am I? Molly?"

"Yeah, its me. What's wrong?"

He starts shaking, curling himself into a ball under the blanket.


"Grab me my cell."



I grab his cell, typing in the passcode when he tells it to me.

"What's going on Sherlock?"

"Call. Need to call him."


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