Waiting Game

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*Sherlock POV*

"You need to eat something. I'm afraid we will be required to keep you here for a few days the next time we see you for this problem."

Redbeard whines, lying uneasily at my feet. The doctor is rambling on again, all the usual bits and bobs about my health and bad habits.

"I will have your brother keep an eye on you, if he brings you back we will admit you for overnight. I want you eating at least two meals a day every day, and see you back here in three weeks."


He dismisses me, opening the door to allow Redbeard and I out.


Redbeard runs to my side, keeping pace with my long strides. I walk through the waiting room, suddenly realizing how many people are waiting for me. Mycorft is the first person to hug me, breaking away when the doctor comes out and calls him over. John is next, pulling back sheepishly. I walk over to Molly, hugging her tightly.

"My house. Tonight. Just after 10. Use the window."

She nods slightly, resting her head against my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Ill be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. How are you feeling?"

"You scared me."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Its fine. Why don't you sit down?"

"I want to go home."

"We have to wait for your brother to drive everyone back."

Molly pulls me over to one of the chairs, sitting down beside me. John sits across from us, petting Redbeard.

"You can't do this anymore Sherlock."

"I'm fine."

I reach over and take Molly's hand, whistling for Redbeard to come back to my feet. He runs over, sitting with his head on my knees. We sit in silence, watching the minutes tick by until Mycroft comes back.

"Everyone get into the car."

Mycroft unlocks the car, opening my door and helping me into the seat.

"Redbeard, up."

Redbeard hops in beside me, sitting on the floorboards at my feet. We drop John off first, then heading over to Molly's house.

"Be careful Sherlock."

"I will. Thank you."

She messages me as soon as we drive away, double checking the time. Mycroft stops the car in front of our house, but doesn't unlock the doors.

"Let me out!"

"We need to talk Sherlock."

"No. Let me go inside."

He doesn't unlock the doors still, waiting until I turn back towards him before speaking again.

"Your doctor talked to me a little bit Sherlock."


"And if you loose any more weight, we have to check you into the hospital."

"I won't. I'm fine Mycroft. Now let me go inside."

"You need to start eating Sherlock. Please."

He unlocks the doors, staying in his seat for a few minutes before getting out and following me into the house. Redbeard sets off up the stairs as soon as we get inside, stopping about half way up and turning to face me.

"I'm coming buddy."

"No, you need to come into the kitchen Sherlock. And talk to mummy."

"You do it."

"It is not up for debate, get in here now."

I reluctantly turn and go back down the stairs, whistling for Redbeard. He follows me, sitting at my feet when I sink into a kitchen chair.

"What happened?"

"He ended up in the hospital again, passed out on the sidewalk."

The news brings mummy and Mrs. Hudson in, both of them close to tears already.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. Now please, leave me alone about it."

The women back off, eventualy going back to making dinner. Redbeard gets up, wandering around the kitchen looking for scraps. Mummy doesn't give him anything, but I do see Mrs. Hudson slip him a few things here and there.

"Mycroft dear, set the table please. And Sherlock, go change out of those clothes and get washed up before dinner."

Mycroft starts grabbing dishes, and I run upstairs. Redbeard follows, as always, and sits just outside the washroom door as I take a quick shower. He doesn't stand up when I go to find clothes, frustrated that I can't find a clean shirt to wear. I run downstairs, shivering as the cold air hits my chest.

"Where is the laundry?"

"Sherlock! Put some clothes on!"

"I'm trying Mrs. Hudson! I dont have any shirts. Where is the laundry?"

"It has all been done Sherlock. When was the last time you brought your clothes down to be washed?"

"I don't know. I need a shirt."

"Yes, go find one. And bring your dirty clothes down to be washed."

I run upstairs, digging through my closet again. There are no clean shirts anywhere.

"I suppose you will have to borrow one of mine."

Mycroft walks into the room, throwing a shirt at me.

"Get dressed. Hurry up, dinner is ready."

I quickly button up the shirt, finding it is too big on me, and grab my laundry basket to throw in the wash. Redbeard follows me down, lying at my feet when I sit at the table.

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