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*Molly POV*

"I'm going to work, be careful today."

"I will mum, I love you."

"Thank you. Ill see you later."

Mum leaves, shutting my door behind her. Toby hops onto the bed, curling up on my chest.

Are you awake yet? -JW

Yep. -MH

Can I stop by and drop some stuff off for you to take to Sherlock? -JW

Sure. What time? -MH

On my way to school. -JW

That works. Message me a few minutes before you get here. -MH

Thank you. -JW

Of course. -MH

See you then. -JW

Yep. -MH

I set my mobile back on the night table, groaning as I sit up and realize my head still hurts. Toby hisses at me, upset that I moved off of the bed. We walk slowly downstairs, heading into the kitchen for breakfast. The kettle whistles, sharp sound hurting my head again. I open the cabinet, grabbing a bottle of pain meds and swallowing two. A noise from upstairs catches my attention, probably my mobile.

Almost there. Two minutes. -JW

Sounds great. Door is unlocked. -MH

I run a brush through my hair, pulling it back with an elastic. John knocks on the door, walking in when I open it for him. He has an armfull of papers and books, cheeks flushed from the cold.

"Let me take those."

"Thank you. How's your head?"

"Not much better. Ill be fine though. Did he get any sleep last night?"

"I hope so. Told him to go to sleep around ten, not sure if he listened."

"He may have. Thank you for checking in on him."

"Yeah. Ive got to go, but make sure hes doing alright please."

"I will. See you later?"

"Depends. I'm stopping by to see Sherlock after school."

"Ill probably still be there, have nothing to do all day."

"Yeah. Thanks again."

"No problem."

John leaves, meeting back up with Mary and walking down the street.

-Two Hours Later-

I feed Toby, grabbing a bag and sticking Sherlocks papers in it before I pull on my jacket. He meows loudly, weaving between my feet as I pull my trainers on.

"Ive got to go buddy. Ill be back tonight, I promise."

Toby meows again, sitting down on the sofa. I scratch his ears, throwing my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my keys.

"Where to?"

I give the cabbie the address, leaning my head against the window and watching the water drip down until we pull up to the hospital. I pay him quickly, running up to the desk and asking for Sherlocks room number.

"Room number 221 dear."

"Thank you."

A girl holds the door for me, letting me slip through into the lift.

"What floor?"

"Floor two please."


She pushes the button, turning back to look at her mobile. The doors open slowly, a ding sounding to signify we are on the second floor. I step out, walking quickly down the hall. Sherlocks door is closed, lights dimmed. I knock, not receiving an answer. A nurse walks over and, seeing me standing here, lets me in.

"He's sleeping right now, but you can sit in here until he wakes up if you would like."

"Thank you."

I sit in the bedside chair, taking Sherlocks hand gently.


His grip tightens on my hand, eyes fluttering open slowly.

"Oh. Hello Molly."

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"It hurts. How's your...your head?"

"That hurts a tad bit. I'm fine though."

Sherlock is staring at me, eyes not quite meeting mine.

"Whats wrong?"

The door opens again, girl from the lift stepping through. She is holding my bag, handing it to me quickly.

"You left this in the lift, I wanted to make sure it got back to you."


She turns, finally noticing Sherlock.


He nods, sitting up slowly.

"Why...why are you in here?"

"Visiting my grandmother. Looks like youre not much better off than last time I saw you."

He shakes his head, biting his lip.

"This...this is Molly. And ummm...Irene."

She turns to me, shaking my hand before sitting on the edge of Sherlocks bed.

"What happened this time?"

Sherlock reaches out to me, taking my hand tightly.

"Same as always."

"Did you attack them?"

"Not exactly."

Her mobile rings, forcing her out of the room.

"Get well soon Sherlock."

He nods, ignoring her after the door closes.

"Who was that?"

"Someone I used to know, from elementary school."


I sot down beside him, letting him pull me against his side. He runs his fingers through my hair, holding me closer.

"What's wrong?"

"You're all I thought about, last night. I was up worrying, unsure of if you were okay or not. And ummm...I...I don't remember..."

"Dont remember what?"

"What happened. I'm not sure what happened yesterday."

"What dont you remember?"

"After he hit me, the first time."

Sherlocks grip on my hand is tight, his body shaking.

"Youre okay. Lie down."

He lies back down, curling up on his side.

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