School Starts Tomorrow

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*Sherlock POV*

I open my eyes slowly, seeing that Molly is still lying beside me. My mobile buzzes, too far for me to grab it without waking her. Redbeard whines at me, scratching at the door. I carefully pull myself out from under Molly, lying her back down and covering her up with my blanket. My dog whines again, jumping up at the door handle and looking back expectantly at me.

"I'm coming. Quiet down."

He jumps up at me when I get to the door, darting past me as soon as it is open. I follow him down, letting him outside then going to make myself some tea. Mycroft has been up already as there is tea set out for me on the counter. I drop two sugars in, drinking it slowly and letting Redbeard back in. We have school tomorrow, so today is going to be dull and slow. I head back upstairs, followed by Redbeard. The prospect of going back to school is enough to make me stressed out again, I dont want to go back.


"I'm right here. Had to go let Redbeard out."


Molly rolls back over, closing her eyes again. I pull out my lighter and cigarettes, needing something to calm me down. Redbeard, as always, growls at me disaprovingly. Molly wakes up again, frowning at me.

"What are you doing Sherlock?"

"Its fine."

"No its not."

"Molly, I'm fine."

She stands up, taking it away from me and putting it out.

"Its not good for you."

"I'm not good for you, and yet here we are."

Molly hugs me, resting her forehead on my chest.

"You're perfect Sherlock."

I laugh, she cant be serious.

"You put too much faith in me."

"And why shouldn't I?"

She kisses me lightly, not breaking the hug. We sit on my bed, cuddling up against each other.

"I love you Sherlock."

"I love you too Molly."

Mrs. Hudson knocks on the door some time later, calling us down for lunch. Molly grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room and downstairs. Redbeard follows, barking excitedly.

"Shhh. You're too loud."

"Shut up Mycroft."

Redbeard sits by my feet at the table, curling up with his head on his paws. Mrs. Hudson passes out our food, leaving again to go clean the kitchen. The meal is eaten in a tense silence, no one daring to speak for fear of interrupting the peace. Mycroft and I are still fighting, so we ignore each other during lunch.

"I have to leave. I'm sorry. See you tomorrow at school?"

"If I make it there alive."

"We'll walk down together, meet me at my house at the normal time."

She kisses me lightly, petting Redbeard before running out the door.

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