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*Molly POV*

Sherlock hasn't been in school for the whole week, worrying John, Mary, and I greatly.

"Ill go down to his house after school today and go check on him. Has anyone heard from him?"


"What about the dog? Has anyone seen Redbeard?"

Mary and John shake their heads, wishing me luck as we head off to our last block classes. Anderson sits next to me, taking Sherlocks spot.


"What do you want?"

"Where's the freak? Did you finally decide he wasn't worth your time?"

I glare at Anderson, resisting the urge to slap him. He doesn't back down, messing with me for the whole block. The final bell rings after a long hour and a half, releasing us from the building for the weekend. Anderson follows me to my locker, finally backing off when I slap him hard.

"Don't talk to me."

I leave school quickly, running down the street to Sherlocks house. The door opens after the third time I knock, revealing a worried looking Mycroft and Greg. They pull me inside, closing the door again after me.

"Where is he? Have you heard from him?"

"N...no. I came to...to ask you if he was okay."

"Myc, love, look."

Greg points at the table, a large collection of computers hooked up and turned on. They all have maps up on them, one of which has a notification flashing across the screen.

"What is it? I thought he only let you put ones on his coats and mobile."

"So did I. This isnt one I have used in a while, its the old model."

We all walk slowly towards the table, watching the flashing dot on the screen.

"Its the first model we used, the very first."

"Why is it up now then? What does he have with him, and why is it just now showing up?"

"His scarf."

Both boys run to grab coats, ignoring me for the most part as they pull on trainers. Mycroft walks back over to me, grabbing my mobile and tryping in his number.

"Do you know how to read these?"

He motions towards the maps, smiling softly when I nod.

"You are staying here, keep me on the line. Gregs number is in here too, if I get disconnected call him."

I nod again, sitting down at the table and watching the blinking dot as the boys run out the door and hop in Mycrofts car.

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