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*Molly POV*

Toby curls up on my chest, purring contentedly as I stroke his silky soft fur. The sun is setting, painting my room in a beautiful golden glow. My mobile buzzes with a message, drawing me out of my thoughts.

Hey Molly. -JW

Hi John. -MH

Is Sherlock okay? What happened with you two? He asked me to come over to talk, I'm walking down now. -JW

Nothing happened. -MH

Oh. Probably him being himself then. He cares for you, he really does. -JW

Yeah. -MH

Ill figure out what's bothering him. Get some sleep. -JW

Yep. Good luck. -MH

He signs off, so I plug my cell in and set it down on the night table. Toby meows loudly, nudging at my hand with his head. I smile, going back to petting him. We fall asleep a few hours later, curled up under my comforter. The sun rising wakes me up, light streaming through my curtains. Toby yawns, streching out and hopping off the bed. I get up, dressing quickly, and run downstairs. Toby follows, weaving between my feet while I make breakfast. I look up at the clock and, seeing I only have five minutes before Sherlock gets here, run out of the kitchen to grab my bag and coat.

"Bye Toby, see you later."

He meows loudly, darting off when I open the door. Sherlock is waiting for me, leaning against the fence.


I kiss him lightly, pressing against his side as the wind starts to blow.

"Hey Sherlock..."


"Promise me you won't get in trouble today. Please."

He thinks for a moment, watching me closely before he responds.

"What kind of trouble?"

"No more fights."

"For now, but if they come after me I'm fighting back."

"Fair enough."

We walk into the building, stopped suddenly when someone walks up to Sherlock.

"Hello Sherlock."

"What do you want Anderson?"

"You know what I want, now back off."

Sherlock flinches, pushing me behind him.

"Didn't your mummy ever tell you its rude to stare?"

He tenses up, glaring at Anderson.

"Don't talk about my mother."

"Makes you wonder what she did to deserve a freak like you as a-"

Sherlock lunges at him, fist connecting with his nose.


I cant help, watching fearfully as Sherlock is pinned to the ground by the older boy. His hands are covered in blood, mostly Sherlocks. I jump on him, trying to offset him from Sherlock. It works, until I am pushed off and slammed into a locker. Sherlock tries to stand up, quickly pulled back by Anderson. Someone yells for a teacher, stopping when they realize that its Sherlock on the ground. He passes out the next time Anderson hits him. Anderson turns around, standing up and walking to the washroom to clean the blood off his hands.


Hes passed out cold, unmoving when I touch him.


I look up, seeing John and Mary running towards us. Most of the crowd has dissolved, heading to their first block classes.

"Help me get him to the nurse, we cant do anything for him now."

John pulls Sherlock up, and I stand to help support his weight.

"Mary, run down to the nurse and tell her what happened. Make sure she knows its bad, and he needs help right aways."

Mary nods, sprinting down the corridor.

"What the hell happened?"

"Anderson insulted him, but then started with his mother and that set him off. He jumped at Anderson and then this happened."

Sherlock groans, moving finally.



His voice is quiet, barely heard by us. A door opens, and a teacher runs out when he sees us.

"Let me get him, you two go to class."

"No, please."

"Alright, you two can come. What happened to him?"


The teacher picks Sherlock up, getting blood on his shirt.

"Anderson from the football team?"


"We're almost there."

Sherlock moves again, clearly in pain. He lies his head on the teachers shoulder, clearly trying not to cry. We make it to the nurses office, setting him down where she tells us to. He passes out again, my hand gripped tightly in his.

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