But right now we got out of the water and I picked up her towel and wrapped it around Pez carefully, holding her protectively and kissing her forehead, causing her to giggle and me to break out in a big smile, because she´s just so cute. My forehead rested on hers, and I could feel her breath hit my face.

"Don´t you want to dry yourself as well?" she asked me, confused, because I was still dripping wet, yet I was standing there and holding her.

"Not yet, I´m comfortable in the position I am now"

She blushed slightly, burying her head in the crook of my neck, like she always does. "You should really dry yourself though, I don´t want you getting sick"

"It´s burning hot and you´re worrying about me getting sick. Are you serious?"

"I just worry ok? Sue me"

"It´s cute" I told her as I kissed her shoulder making her look up and giving me a strict look, "Grab your towel and dry your sexy little body now, before I do it" her tone was so demanding and strong and it was so sexy, I had to hold back a moan.

I didn´t do what she told me just to see what she´d do. She gave me a strict look and detangled herself from my grip, picking up my towel and starting to dry my feet, giving me a great view of her boobs, she moved up, the towel now rubbing my thighs and her hands rubbing near my area, turning me on, before her hands moved up to my abs, tracing them again, I could feel myself get wet already and she´s just drying me off.

A knowing smirk was visible on her face as her hands disappeared again and the towel dryed my torso quickly, before it was hung on my shoulders and she walked away swaying her hips on purpose, she´s such a fucking tease.

She went to lay down in the sand, sunglasses covering her eyes and I was still stood there, being shocked at what just happened, she full on teased me. I need to get her back I´ll have to think about how, but I´ll suceed.

I went to lay down next to her, covering my eyes with sunglasses just like she did. But I layed down on my side, so I could look at her, "You´re beautiful, you know that?"

I could see her blush again, she always does when I compliment her and I find it cute, after all the time we´ve been dating I´m still able to make her blush, it´s great to know that I have such an effect on her.

"You´re even more beautiful though"

"Then you´ll have to be the beautifullest human being on this world"

"Beautifullest isn´t even a word"

"There goes the teacher again" You see we often joke about her being a teacher, so in situations like these I would make some comment about her job, she does it with me being a popstar as well, so it´s fair.

"At least you get an education now" she joked, knowing that I´m actually really smart, I even thought about becoming a teacher myself, but I love singing more so my dreams have all come true. 

When I´m thinking about it I really am living in a dream. A few years ago I entered the x-factor, to become a singer, my mam had to drag me there because I was that nervous, then I win the show. My first single goes straight to number one and so does my album, but not only in the UK, all over the world, same goes for my second album. My fans are very dedicated and supportive, they would do everything to make me happy. I met a lot of celebrities and people say I´m one of the biggest popstars in the world and to top it all off I found the love of my life.

Life has been good for me, I mean it gave me literally everything. And I´m very grateful and thankful for it.

"Do you want some ice cream?" I asked her, because I wanted some.

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