❧ Anytime ☙

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  All the talking about the Weasley Wizard Wheeze did not stop at the dinner table, nor did the not-so-discrete glances at Georgiana. George had to, a few times, bring his twin back into the conversation because he was distracted by one thing or the other. Fred had been so excited about this project and actually having the mostly to do it was a dream come true so that, even though it was supposed to be secret, he could not help but slip a word or two to fellow Gryffindoors. The trio of troublemakers were the first to arrive into their dorm rooms and finding themselves familiar with their environment, again, they got to work.
   The next morning, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were found lying on the floor, asleep on top of these very big door- length posters and different coloured pens. It had taken a minute to wake them up, but when they did, their previous energy level returned. Despite the heavy bags underneath their eyes, the boys were determined to hang them up this very morning. And their plan worked because first years were already crowded around the employment possibility and were walking up to Lee Jordan, who was responsible for their very illegal contracts.
"So what do we have first," Fred asked as he aimlessly walked behind his twin, his voice dry and still sleepy.
"The frog lady" was George's reply when he walked into the defense against the dark arts room. And indeed she was there schooling over a rather familiar face from Slytherin.  
"Again?" Fred grunted and peeked from his twin's shoulder to spot the same girl that was distracting him during dinner time the previous day. 
  The twins were hidden well behind the door's side, in order for them to find out what the whole scene they spotted was all about. 
"I would expect you to behave more maturely today after our little chat from yesterday, Georgiana." The toad remarked, while the young witch remained silent. "Questioning my and the Ministry's schooling methods is unacceptable and I believe your father will be very disappointed if he would hear of that." The pointy nose of Umbridge was able to hit the ceiling from the way she was looking upon the Slytherin student, demonstrating power over her. 
"Of course he would, after all this is what you say." Gee spoke out this time, causing the twins to exchange curious glances before returning their attention to the females inside the classroom. 
"Excuse me, Georgiana, but it appears to me... correct me if I am wrong, please... that you are suggesting that I am influencing your father? So silly of me to assume that you say that your father isn't able to think clearly as adult and a parent?" The pink lady spoke with her famous high pitched tone and to make her innocent act more acceptable she put on a shocked and surprised facade. 
"It is exactly what I am saying. Ever since you and your daughter came into our lives, my father is a stranger to me!" Never before was Gee's voice more death serious and filled with anger than it was now. 
The offended gasp which came out from Umbridge meant only one thing... 
"DETENTION! You will learn to respect your teachers, young lady!" Squeaked out the toad with clenched fists.
"I do respect my teachers, because they deserve to be such!" Hearing how Georgiana was standing her ground and how she was managing to even offend Umbridge in the most sophisticated way possible, was causing Fred and George to grin like The Cheshire Cat.
The swift way in which Umbridge pulled out her wand, meant nothing good, which made the young witch take a step back. 
"Good morning." The twins spoke in sync cheerfully, as if they saw nothing and were just walking in for their lesson. 
The wide eyes of Umbridge quickly calmed down as she lowered her wand, yet her rapid breathing was still giving out the state of distress. 
"I suppose you realized that being on time for your classes was important, boys. Very well." She proudly stated, believing that their time spend with her after the regular hours were enough to teach them it was better to be on time, than study what they missed afterwards. 
 The twins nodded and that caused Georgiana to frown at them. Since when do the Weasley twins obey rules, more over Umbridge's ones.
"Splendid." The fake smile on Dolore's lips was repulsive. "Miss Lynch, isn't feeling very well this morning, so she will be excused from our class today." her gaze then returned back to Gee with unhidden coldness. "As I said the medicine is at my office, dear. You can wait for me there." Hinted the evil woman.
Gee knew very well what was expecting her at the pink meowing room, but she couldn't protest, so she just started to walk outside the classroom. 
"Perhaps, I can take her to the hospital wing, Professor." Fred suggested, causing the Slytherin student to stop. "After all there she will be taken care immediately and you will not worry over her health during our classes." If Umbridge could act, so could Fred Weasley. 
"B-But..." The toad shuttered, not expecting the twin to ruin her plan for punishment over the girl. 
"Oh, don't worry, Professor, I will make sure my brother learns of everything he misses of today's lesson." George added, giving Fred time to take Georgiana by the hand and lead her out the room, before Umbridge could find a way to stop them. 
  The two students rushed in the corridor to get far from the classroom where their D.A.D.A. lesson was going to start soon. More and more students from both houses were heading towards the location of the room was, so in order to not drag attention, Fred pulled Gee in a side narrow corridor. All the years with the marauders map were paying him off every time he needed to escape with George after a prank.  The ginger haired male knew very well where this corridor was going to take them, so when they reached the staircase to the Astronomy tower, he smirked as the girl gave him a shocked look. 
"You didn't fall from there the first time, you won't fall now." Fred smiled, remembering how scared she was the first time he took her to the roof.
"Maybe I was lucky enough back then." Gee protested, causing Fred to stop taking the stairs and go back down to her. 
His eyes were gentle and filled with calm fire which seemed to warm up her cold blue eyes and give them hope. 
"You have me, Lynch. What bigger luck than that?" Fred joked, causing Georgiana to laugh out and blush lightly at the fact that he indeed was proving her what he promised her to. 
"Alright, lead the way." The witch shrugged her shoulders and allowed him to take her hand again and guide her up till the very end of the staircase. 
  Both were panting at the end, struggling to get their breathing phase back to stable one, but once Fred opened the small door to the roof, Gee straightened herself and closed her lips, remembering the beauty of the view. 
  The Gryffindor student was the first one to get out, not only since he was the braver one, but because he wanted to show her it was all alright and safe. She swallowed her own fear and allowed herself to trust the male who's smile was encouraging her to step out. 
  Once she did, the morning wind blew at her, waving her dark brown hair softly. The sun was still rising up, but was high enough to reveal the beauty of the lands around. The light dancing over the Black lake surface. 
"Thank you..." The girl spoke after the few minutes of silence they allowed themselves to share to appreciate the view in front fully. Her blue gaze was now up to him, causing Fred to look down at her, so their eyes would meet. 
"Anytime, Lynch." He winked at her playfully, but seeing that she was thanking him not just for saving her from Umbridge, his cheerful expression turned into a more soft and unsure one, as he turned to face her fully with his body as well. 
He gently catch a waving string of hair of hers and placed it behind her ear as an excuse for him to get close enough to her face to caress it softly with the palm of his hand. The girl stood still and seemed to blink slowly at the touch, only to look up at him with her beautiful eyes to seek comfort. The young man began leaning down to her, but when her palms touched his chest, he changed the course of his intentions and placed his lips softly against her forehead. Her eyes closed, while her first balled up in his pullover. Feeling his hands wrapping around her slim body, she took a step closer and rested her head against his chest, only to feel that his heart beat was as fast as her own. 
  The wind blew harsher at them, causing the girl to pull away and look anywhere but at him, since she had to hide the blush away. Seeing her struggle with figuring what to do or say, Fred just sat down and leaned his back against the narrow roof, giving her the hint to do so as well. 
  They stayed up until lunch time when their D.A.D.A had to end. And for the first time Georgiana felt like she wanted to stay around Fred Weasley for longer than that. The things they shared, she about her family issues and him about the attack upon his father, both sharing their fears was something no one expected, yet it happened and she did not regret it, nor did he.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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