❧ New Rules ☙

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          I was walking in the corridor with Lydia, discussing how boring today's lesson was. Miles, Tristan and the rest of the Quidditch team were excused because of their practice, and we both wished that we were part of it, so we could skip classes as well.
"So, in two months you will have a baby sister, are you excited?" Her swift change of the subject surprised me.
"I guess." My short answer was enough to let her know that I didn't want to talk about it.
"You're still not talking with your father?"
"Oi, Lynch! Want to go out with me?" A cheerful voice came from my left side and when I turned around to make sure it was the person I thought it was, I met the hazel eyes of Fred Weasley.
"What?" My puzzled expression didn't take off his smile, so I decided to be frank. "No!"
"Come on, Lynch. We both know that in the end you will agree." He smirked and gave me a reason to stay stubborn for.
"Good luck with that, Weasley." Lydia spoke from my right side, looking at Fred with the same puzzled expression as mine.
We walked away, leaving the ginger behind, but my mind was still wondering why did he ask so out of the sudden? Lydia asked me to accompany her to the Quidditch pitch. I was reading a book while Lyd watched the boys play, there were few other girls watching their boyfriends playing, but since I didn't have one I wasn't interested that much.
"Let's go." Lydia said after an hour and I looked up to see that the training was over.
I closed the book and followed her down to the ground where Miles was waiting for us. The young man spread his arms and she quickly ran into his arms. He lifted her up and spun her around, both chuckling and smiling at each other. Love was something magical and if it was so sweet I wished to feel it too.
"How was your day?" He asked and pecked her lips when I reached them.
Lydia started explaining and her voice filled up with excitement when she shared the news of Fred asking me out. He looked at me asking what I said, with his eyes.
"I said no." I answered and pressed the book close to my chest, feeling uncomfortable.
"About what?" Someone asked from behind and when I turned around I met the grey eyes of Tristan.
"Nothing." I quickly answered and he looked at Miles for the answer, which he gave to him.
The bright eyes pinned down to me and held things which he never dared to show or speak of.
The next week I decided to go to the spot Konrad and I always went. The lake was somehow relaxing me, which was perfect for reading a good book. But my happiness didn't last long. Fred Weasley came with his bright smile from the distance and I deiced to walk away from it.
"Oi, Lynch, wait up!" He called and ran to me. "Stop." He took my wrist and I looked up to meet his eyes, and felt my cheeks heat up from the charming smile. For the first time this year I actually studied his appearance. I liked how he had cut his hair and how well shaped he was. Ashamed of my thoughts I looked away. "What about now?" My eyes quickly locked with his again and I raised my eyebrows.
"Will you go out with me?" He asked with the same charming smile and the barrier in me build up again.
"No." I pulled my wrist from his hand and walked away quickly.
I thought he will give up but few days later he proved me wrong in Professor Flitwick's class. I was practicing the new spell silently when out of nowhere he sat next to me with his smile.
"How about now?"
"I don't think so, Fred." I said, not moving my eyes from the subject I was trying to put a charm on.
With the edge of my eye I saw that Fred was getting annoyed by my constant reject.
"No speaking in class, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Lynch." I sent Fred a death glare and he just carelessly flipped his wand turning the Professor's robe on fire.
"To Professor McGonagall's office, now!" The teacher called out to Fred and he left.
That same day during lunch McGonagall and Umbridge confronted each other, followed by the next day in which the toad gained "the powers to address the seriously falling standards" over the school. With each passing day she was adding new rules on the wall at the entrance if the Great Hall. Students were forbidden to do a lot of things, especially couples. No kisses, no hugs, nothing. For the first time I was glad that I was single. The toad even measured Professor Flitwick once. But the highest point was reached when she decided to fire Professor Trelawney, saying that she was unfit to teach. She did it in a very embarrassing way in front of all the students at the courtyard. Luckily, McGonagall came and tried to calm the Professor down, while Dumbledore finally stood up for someone. I was actually surprised. During these days of changes he didn't stop Umbridge even once, so I guess this time was something big enough even for him.
  Days were getting colder to my disappointment and soon we were a week away from our first visit at Hogsmeade. I was surprised that Fred didn't bother me with his silly question, I guess he gave up.

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