❧ New Beginning ☙

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    Georgiana Lynch... Georgiana. That name always sounded strange to me, I didn't like to hear it said out loud. What were my parents thinking giving me that name?
With the years I got use to it, but mum and dad decided to give me a new thing to get used to. It was a year before I was about to attend to Hogwarts, my father always told me I will study there, but everything changed when they decided to divorce. I guess what they say is true – eyes who aren't seen are being forgotten.
      Their jobs were driving them apart, too much apart. My father, Aidan Lynch, mostly known as the seeker from the Irish National Quidditch team was always training and working. I loved my moments with him, but I considered them as a gift which no child should think that way. My mother on the other hand was a teacher at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She was the most beautiful human being I've ever seen, but that's what most kids think of their mother. Since the Academy was in France, I was moving a lot. So in the end, it all led to the divorce. I don't think anyone wanted it, but they repeated that it was for the best.
      Of course, with my mother leaving my father, I had to follow her as well. My dad wrote me every day, but it was not the same. I missed playing with him, I missed the times when he was taking me to places where I was having fun. I missed my "gift".
      Ever since we left, my mum never smiled again. She was fading, her glow was no more around her, even if she was half-Veela, her beauty started to leave her with the years. She was my teacher in life and in school, which somehow build a good relationship between us. Her pain was my pain, mine was hers.
      Most of my friends at Beauxbatons were quarter-Veelas like me, or half like my mother. I had four amazing years there and I wouldn't trade them for anything, and I couldn't wait for my fifth year to start, but first my summer had to end.
      During that season I was back to Ireland as usual. I had three months each year to be with my dad, but the summer of 1993 was something I wished it never came. It was the beginning of July when my father received a letter. Letter which destroyed everything I once knew. Letter which caused tears and pain.
      The next day we flied to France to bury down my mother and send her to the loving arms of our creator.
"Why did she have to go, papa?" Fifteen year old me asked, with tears streaming down my cheeks.
"It was an evil illness, Gee." My dad placed his hand on my shoulder, fighting back the urge to cry as well.
"No, it was her heart." At this very moment I understood what my mother meant every time she was telling me something, which I always get confused by.
The last time she said it to me flew in my mind like a flashback and I immediately found myself in the kitchen. My mind couldn't understand why she was crying from time to time in the mornings. But that day it was somehow beautiful to watch her face with streaming, silent tears. I hid behind the corner and admired her. The morning sunlight danced on her face, lighting up her hair, making it look like silk. Her skin was without any trace of flaws. But she could always sense my presence, so she turned her head towards the doorway.
"Gee, come here, sweety." That moment I realized that I will never hear her voice again, but despite that the memory continued.
I remember how slowly I walked inside the room and sat on the chair next to her.
"Why are you crying, mama?" My question made her wipe away the tears quickly with her palms.
"Gee, honey." She took my hands in hers and squeezed them gently. "Remember the song I used to sing to you when you were little?" I nodded with my head. It was a traditional Irish folk ballad which I never understood. "Promise me you won't let any man steal your thyme. Give it to someone special."
"Okay, mama." And then I realized, she knew. She knew that she was going to leave soon.
The memory sank inside of me and the song lyrics started to ring in my head.
"Georgiana." My father called to me from behind, he already started to leave.
Georgiana... what were they thinking when they gave me that name?     

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