❧ Prank ☙

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        This morning everything was in a hurry. Dad and I overslept, so we were basically running right now at the train station.
"Hurry, Gee!" Dad shouted behind his shoulder to me and then disappeared in a wall.
I couldn't react fast to stop myself and prepared for the impact, but it never came. Slowly opening my eyes I looked around me and I could see lots of kids with their parents.
"Gee! Over here!" I turned around my head to find my dad who was calling for me and met the familiar faces of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan.
"Hello." I politely said with a smile on my face, but didn't expect to be pulled into a hug from Mrs. Ryan.
"Ooh, look how much you've grown!" She pulled away from me, giving me a warm and tender smile.
"So, where is Tristan?" My dad broke the short silence and they moved their eyes from me back to him.
"Oh, he's already in the train." Jane, Mrs. Ryan, answered my father's question.
"Yes, I think little Gee should get in as well, it's leaving in ten minutes." Barry added and looked back at me. He always called me that way and I couldn't help, but give him a smile. Despite the fact that their child wasn't my favorite person on earth, they were amazing. I remember how my parents were getting along with them so well, it was perfect back then.
"Well, I guess I will see you in few months, darling." He spread his arms open for me to walk into them. He embraced me tightly and pecked me on the head.
"I love you, daddy." I mumbled to his shoulder, so only he could hear it.
"I love you too, Gee." He chuckled the words out and released me from his arms.
"It was lovely seeing you again, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. Bye dad." And with that I walked away.
Finding a free compartment was more difficult, than finding a four leaf clover. I was reaching one which was very loud, guys were laughing in it.
"Alright! THREE, TWO, ONE!" On one, a thick black mist exploded in the corridor. I let out a scream and when the light touched my eye lids I slowly opened my eyes.
Two identical ginger heads were looking at me with huge grins playing on their faces.
"Oi, cute face." The one spoke and bend down a bit so our faces could be in one line.
"Or should we say..." The other suggested.
"New face?" They both continued and I couldn't help, but smile at how silly they were.
"Hello." My greeting came out in a chuckle and they both exchanged looks.
"Fred, George, why don't you introduce me to the girl, it's not fun to just watch from the glass of the cabin."A shorter boy peeked out from their compartment.
"We would love to, Lee." They both said and hooked their arms with mine, while Lee opened the door fully, allowing us to enter.
"Hey!" I shouted out when they pushed me on the seat in front of them.
The three boys sat there and looked at me with curious flames in their eyes.
"Well, doll face, what's your name?" One of the twins asked and rested his elbows on his knees.
"Depends who's asking." My cold tone made them woo and grin again at my face. I wasn't giving my name easily. First, I didn't like my name. Second, everyone knew my father, which will cause everyone to instantly like me. I wanted someone to like me without my name, to like me for me. That's why I liked my years in France, my father didn't have so many fans there.
"Feisty one." The other twin laughed and the others joined. "George Weasley, lassie. I'm the one with the good looks, that's how you can tell us apart."
"Pleasure..." I said with a puzzled look on my face. "And you are?" My gaze moved to the other twin.
"Fred Weasley." Before I could reply, the third boy spoke, as if he was holding himself this whole time from introduce himself.
"I'm Lee Jordan. We are in Gryffindor, 5th year. Now, your turn." The moment I heard they are from Gryffindor I regretted saying hello to them. I didn't mind them at all, but my father told me that there was a "war" between our houses.
"I-I have to go." I got up, but the twins took me by the wrists and placed me back to my seat.
"That's not your name." Fred Weasley insisted on knowing, but didn't ask for my house, so I settled with it.
"Georgiana." They didn't reply, they waited patiently for me to add my surname, which made me grunt. "Lynch. Georgiana Lynch." Their eyes opened widely.
"Lynch?" I gave a nod at the surprised tone of the twins. "You know the Irish National seeker?"
"Haa... yeaa..." I was getting nervous and they sensed it.
"No way!" The three of them said in shocked union. "You're his daughter!" Fred started.
"Right, you were mentioned in one of the newspapers, your name is strange and hard to remember, but now that you said it I remember it." Lee Jordan added.
I felt very uncomfortable now. Strange name? I couldn't help, but feel offended by it, even if I agreed to it.
"Gee, for short." I added, trying to stay kind and charming, that was something I learned in Beauxbatons.
"Alright, Gee." Fred Weasley, smiled down. "Care to join us on an adventure?"
"Depends on where it leads."
"We are planning to pull a prank on-..."
"You're Aidan Lynch daughter?!" Lee cut George off, not moving his eyes off me. The blush on my cheeks answered him. "Wicked... can I have his autograph? Please?"
"Uh... yes, sure." I got up and was about to open the door compartment when the twins got on their feet as well.
They started asking questions one after another about my father and I didn't notice when the time passed. I said I was leaving this time for real, but they stopped me again.
"What about our prank?" They said in union and looked at me with begging eyes.
"You didn't tell me it was a prank." I crossed my arms and gave them a deadly glare.
"We meant the adventure." Fred corrected, but I wasn't fan of pranks.
"Right. I am sorry, but I won't be able to follow you in this adventure."
"Come on, lassie-..." George stared, but I got tickled by the constant names.
"Right, Gee." He corrected himself and returned to his topic. "If you help us, we will return the favor."
"For what do you need my help so much, you just met me?"
"Well you see... Gee, we are planning to pull a prank on the second compartment from ours, but we need a face which no one will accuse of crime." Fred explained with a tone which rang with mischievousness.
"Alright, but I will ask something in return as well."
"Sure, anything you want, love... I mean Gee." Fred quickly corrected himself when he saw the look on my face when I heard the word love.
"When I figure it out, I will let you know." They gave me a nod in agreement. "What must I do?" The grins on their lips were reaching their ears.
Quietly, they explained the plan and handed me a box with few of these bombs that they tested in the corridor a while ago.
"The second compartment?" I asked to make sure I didn't get it wrong and they replied with a simple "Yes."I gave a nod and walked out.

Fred's POV

    We watched the new girl make her way slowly to the Slytherin's compartment.
"Guys?" Lee called to me and my brother and we turned around to look at his direction at the same time. "I think we just sent her to the wolves." Lee pulled out her robe from the bag she left on the seat. It was Slytherin's. She is a Slytherin!
The three of us showed out only our head waiting for what was about to happen.

Georgiana's POV

    They were looking at me with some worry in their eyes, as if they doubted I could do it. Laughter was coming out from the compartment of the victims, they were only boys. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and when I opened them I knocked on their glass.
"What is it?" A tall boy with brunette hair and brown eyes opened the door. He was only with a white shirt, which meant they are dressing up, which lead to the thought that we were soon getting close. Behind him I could see reaching arms and hear sounds of zippers.
"I-I..." I held the box with the mist bombs tightly, arguing with myself if I should do it, or just awkwardly walk away.
"Oi, Miles! What's goin-..." A guy pulled Miles, which I assume was the boy in front of me, by the shoulder and stepped out to face me. He didn't finish his sentence the moment our eyes met.
"Tristan..." His name came out as a whisper and I couldn't believe that the blond male standing there was him.
"Gee?" It was him. To answer only a gasp escaped my lips and I didn't feel how lightly my hands got. I dropped the box and the next moment dark explosion followed. I wanted to run and hide from him and then I realized, he's a Slytherin... I am a Slytherin... for the first time in my life I swore in my mind. My feet felt heavy to the ground and I failed to move them. Like a scared lamb I waited for the mist to fall down. And when it did I met the familiar blue eyes which had a bit of grey mixture in them. His face lines could be described only with one word... anger. He was breathing heavily and his nostrils were opening and closing like a mad bull.
"Hiii, Tristan!" I tried to hide my cracking nerves with a cheerful voice and a fake bright smile, but it didn't help me, not one bit.
He slowly turned his head to the side where the three boys were and then back at me, then again back at their compartment. I started to imagine how I will be tortured the next three years, how my whole house will hate me, and no one will believe me. My hands started to shake and he noticed that. He fixed his tie and walked past me. He stood in front of the cabin and slid their door open.
"Now... I doubt she gave the idea, so which of you three came with it?" He was speaking in a low, cold manner.
"Listen, Ryan, we didn't know she was from your house." Lee's voice came out of the compartment, but I doubt Tristan cared about me in their plan.
"Watch it, Jordan!" Tristan was still somehow managing to keep his anger in peace.
"Oi, Tristan, let's forget about it, we told the girl to deliver it to the compartment next to yours, you know how we love pranking Hufflepuffs on the train before they arrive." One of the twins spoke and Tristan looked back at me.
"Is it true?" I couldn't say the lie out loud, so I just gave a nod in agreement.
The blond boy pushed himself from the door and walked back to his compartment closing the door in front of my face. He didn't even turn back to look at me.
With fast and angry steps I walked back to the compartment where I left my bag and with a swift move took it from the seat. I went to change in the bathrooms, but then something strange happened.

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