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   At first days were passing by slowly and painfully. My father was trying to hide his sorrow away from me, in order to ease things up for me. He took the season off from work so we could be together the whole summer. We took all of my clothes from the house in France and redesigned my room.
We agreed that I will transfer to Hogwarts which was in Scotland. That way I could be closer to my home, than if I stayed in Beauxbatons. Dad took me a week before the starting day to my new school. He said that the headmaster had to sort me in one of the houses there. Dad always told me of his time spent there, he was in Slytherin, and the way he described it sounded amazing.
    The castle was huge, while walking to the headmaster's office, dad informed me of the rooms we were passing by. When we finally reached the office inside the room were waiting three Professors. One very old man with long beard, a woman which was showing only class and respect, and a man who was gazing down at me with his nose up high.
"Ah Aidan, you came." The old man spoke. "You are most welcome here." His smiling eyes moved from my dad to me. "And I suppose you are Georgiana."
"It's a pleasure, sir." I lightly bowed my head to him and he returned the favor.
"I see Beauxbaon Academy taught you manners."
"It taught me more than manners, sir."
"Well now should we go to the reason you came here?" The moment he said it, the woman came to me with a hat in her hands.
"Sit down, Miss Lynch." I did as she said and waited patiently on the chair.
   At first, I was shocked when the hat started to talk when it touched my hair. I looked between Dumbledore and the two other teachers with wide eyes.
"You are very difficult to sort." The hat mumbled over my head.
I had no idea where I wanted to go. My mind was telling me the house of my father, but I liked Ravenclaw because they were famous with their intelligence and in Beauxbatons they always said I was very talented and smart. So I knew there I will be outstanding. I liked the idea of Hufflepuff, because they were loyal and kind, so probably I could make good friends and have a good time. Gryffindor were brave or so my father said, but he warned me never to tell them that, because it will get their pride even higher. So I knew how the hat felt, I was just as confused, as it was.
"Slytherin." Simple as that, one word and it was decided. My father looked at me with pride in his eyes, while I gave him a slight smile.
"Take a good care of my daughter, Snape." Dad patted the shoulder of the dark man.
"Well then we will meet again in seven days, Miss Lynch." Dumbledore winked at me and my dad led the way out.
Before we walked out the room I turned around and curtsied lightly to the three of them.
"Thank you." The woman gave me a smile, but her eyes somehow showed regret or pity, I wasn't sure which one.
     On our way back, dad started telling me about the teachers there, he described me Slytherin in more details. He told me of the common room and where it's located, how it looked back then. He told me that the house is mostly composed of pure-blood students like me.
"You remember Tristan? He's in Slytherin as well." My calm manner completely changed after I heard my father's words.
"What? Why didn't you tell me? I would have begged the hat not to be in Slytherin!" Fact is that Tristan was a boy from my childhood. He was the son of Barry Ryan, the keeper of the Irish National Quidditch team. Our fathers were best friends, which meant that I was spending a lot of time with Tristan back then. It wasn't the most joyful time spent in my life. He was very cunning and ambitious which was the perfect combination to make a plan to get rid of me and go play with his friends without me.
"Now, now, Gee. You two haven't seen each other since you were ten. Who knows you two may get along now." I grunted and crossed my arms.
"I highly doubt that, daddy."
    With that we changed the topic. The next few days went by as a blink of an eye. We shopped at Diagon Alley for my new books and my grandmother came home to help me pack up my luggage. I spent the whole week reading Hogwarts History and I must say I was feeling confident going back there. I just hope I will enjoy my time there like I enjoyed it back in Beauxbatons.    

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