❧ Love Explosion ☙

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           It was the first week in which we could go and visit Hogsmeade and we were all excited. Some girls were already hoping they will be asked on a date for tomorrow by some of the Durmstrang boys. Studying with the other two schools was somehow fun and educational, but that was my opinion. Most of the classes were filled with flirty glances and shy smiles, love was already in the air and we were far from February.
But of course all those emotions were chased away the moment Snape entered the classroom, giving more reasons for the students to hate his class. Today in particular we studied the process of making a love potion. I wasn't sure if the Professor was realizing what he actually gave us to study about, but it was followed by the book, so today's lesson was Love Potion. Loud and unhidden giggles echoed in the room and judging from the face lines of Snape I could tell that he cursed today's subject.
We all began mixing the ingredients, but since the class was with Gryffindor we all had difficult time remaining quiet. I did try to stay out of it, but one Weasley in particular didn't stop whispering things behind my back. He was trying to get my attention ever since the day I said I hated him and that was bugging me beyond measure.
"Come on, Lynch. Stop ignoring me, I will do anything." He begged with annoyance.
I turned around to face him and he smirked at finally getting my attention.
"Alright then, stop talking to me."
"Now that is not a very wise choice. You know you like it when I speak to you." His tone was teasing me and I hated the fact how full of himself his hormones made him.
"I don't and you know it, Weasley." He was about to open his mouth and comeback at me with some brilliant sentence, but Snape was faster.
"Miss Lynch and Mister Weasley, are you really so desperate for my attention or you just like getting detentions from me?" My eyes widened at his words and I immediately regretted talking to Fred. "No?" Snape asked raising his eyebrows at me as I shook my head. "Then I suppose you and Mr. Weasley will show the class how to breed the potion then."
My head swiftly turned with horrified expression towards the ginger boy, while he on the other hand had a mischievous grin on his face.
We walked in front of the whole class where the biggest pot was. Everyone stopped and stared at us, expecting everything to happen but the right thing. Tristan looked at me with pity while George was keeping a huge ball of laughter inside of him. The Durmstrang students were the only ones who actually expected something normal to happen.
I took chalk and began to write the ingredients with the amount and steps which needed to be followed, while Fred was adding them one by one. We were a step away from finishing the potion and I began to think that we actually might do it without getting anything wrong.
"Alright. Now add seven Wiggentree twigs..."
Before I could finish my sentence a loud explosion followed breaking few of the glasses around us and setting few pieces of partly burned papers flying around the air. My face was half covered in ash while Fred's was fully. His hair was like hedgehog, up and straight. Everyone stared at us wide eyed while Snape was left speechless. I turned to look fully at Fred with unhidden anger in my eyes.
"Slowly... you were going to say that next, weren't you?" He chuckled out while rubbing the back of his neck nervously with his hand.
At his statement the whole room exploded from laughter and the Professor had a hard time shutting it down. When everyone calmed down he turned and looked at us.
"Remind me to never put you two into working together again." He said between teeth with his nasal voice. "Class dismissed."
Everyone began to pack up and leave, laughing and discussing what happened. I stormed to my seat and put my books into the bag hoping that Fred will be smart enough to not get near me.
"Did you fall in love with me, Lynch?" He teased as he rested his elbows on my desk and smiled brightly at me. He looked silly with his face covered in ash and hair messed up, his teeth were whiter from the black covering his skin and I had a hard time laughing at the way he looked right now.
"Don't be mental, Weasley." I took my bag and walked away to the hall.
"Come on, Gee! Even Snape would fall in love with that kind of love explosion!" He shouted out loud enough to be heard in the corridor.
"WEASLEY!" Snape spat his surname sharply and Fred ran out the classroom before he could be punished.
He ran past me with a bright smile and sweet laugh heading probably to his common room.
"You alright?" Asked a husky voice from behind me and when I turned around I saw Tristan.
"Yeah..." He handed me a napkin to clean my face and I gladly took it. "Thanks." After cleaning my face I felt bad for turning the white napkin into a black one. "I will wash it and bring it back to you, sorry."
"It's alright, it's better to be there than on your face." I smiled softly at him and we both walked to the common room.  

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