❧ Flood ☙

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     It was my last day of my punishment. Snape gave me detention for a week to mop the floor of the dungeons without using magic. I hated it, because it was taking a lot from my free time. Not that I had something to do, but I definitely didn't want it to be spend with wiping the floor. Lydia was keeping me company sometimes, but she had huge crush on Miles, so every time he was free she was trying to get his company. I wouldn't blame her, he was handsome. Tall, brunette hair, brown almond eyes, very kind and intelligent. He was keeping me company few times at the library, I think that I've spent more time with him than with Tristan, and I've known him since a month. I could tell he had a slight crush on Lydia as well, but I decided to stay out of it. If he liked her and wanted to be with her, he would be a man and confess.

Fred's POV

    George and I sat in Snape's office. It was a gloomy and dimly-lit room in the dungeons. The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colours.
"Wicked." My brother and I said in union as we spotted the large amount of mucus in a jar, we were sure it was from last week prank.
Snape walked inside the room and closed the door as Malfoy sat next to us. We looked at the little snake and grinned mischievously, not regretting anything.
"I will not tolerate this type of behavior. Using Furnunculus on Mr. Malfoy is completely out of line, even for you two." Snape said looking at Malfoy, who was still covered in boils.
We smirked as Malfoy sneered at us. He got what he deserved and it was worth the pile of detentions we were about to receive.
"As punishment, you will be cleaning out the cauldrons and organizing the ingredients for two weeks."
Even for what we had done, that seemed a little steep. We shot a glare at Malfoy for telling on us.
"Now back to your common room!"
     When we left the room, we heard Snape telling the little snake to hold still. We were in such a bad mood right now that we didn't bother to chuckle.
"This is rubbish! He got what was coming to him!" Geroge grunted as we started to walk through the hallway.
"I know. He called Hermione a mudblood again. He should be the one getting in trouble." I added, remembering the crying face of Granger.
   We stormed back to the common room, making sure that we made a mess of the dungeons first.

Georgiana's POV

   "Done..." I exhaled and pulled the hair away from my face. I closed my eyes and straightened my back a bit, but then a sudden sound made me open my eyes and watch closely the staircase. I might be wrong, but I think that the sound reminds me of... water.
"Oh no." I mumbled looking at the huge wave coming at me. It was so big that I fell down when it reached my legs.
   I slowly stood up and looked around the flooded corridor. Of course, it didn't take long for Professor Snape to appear and Filch to join his side. I looked at them with helpless expression on my face.
"I have nothing to do with this!" I hurried, before he could blame me again for something I didn't do.
Snape was about to open his mouth and probably say I am lying again, but Tristan came from behind.
"Professor." He greeted in a serious tone and looked down at the flooded floor and then at me. "Uhm..." I gave him a begging stare, hoping he will save me from this. "I am sorry, but I have to take Miss Lynch with me, it's important."
"What is it, Ryan?" Snape asked with his monotone nose voice.
"It's about Quidditch, sir."
Snape looked from me to him few times, showing unhidden doubt in his eyes.
"Very well." Hearing those words I smiled and ran upstairs towards Tristan. "Mr. Filch, I suppose you will fix things down here." And before the caretaker could protest he left.
   We ran around the corner as we were finally out the dungeons and I stopped.
"Thanks." He stopped and gave me a puzzled look.
"No problem, follow me."
"Wait, what?" He gave me a tired look, hoping I won't bother him with anything stupid. "Where are we going?"
" I didn't lie to Snape when I said that I needed you." He grabbed my wrist and we started to run again, I allowed him to lead the way. I was fine with it, as long as it was away from Snape and the dungeons.
   He led me to the Quidditch field and more specifically something like a team room, with big board in the middle with tactics. Everyone looked at us as we got in, I spotted all of the players in the team except for one, Malfoy.
"Sit." Tristan placed me on a chair and walked over to the board where he could face everyone. "Now, because of Malfoy's injury we have the opportunity of letting Hufflepuff take our place against Gryffindor. But that's what cowards do, right?"
"Yeah!" Few boys agreed in loud tone.
"We can play against them, if we have a seeker." Saying that he looked at me, causing everyone else to do the same.
"No." I shook my head quickly. "No, no, no." I got up and left the room, soon to be followed by Tristan.
"Oi, Lynch! Wait up!" I turned around and shot him a glare.
"Have you gone mental?!" I raised my arms in the air. "You know I don't play Quidditch, Tristan!"
"Your father does." He remained calm.
"That doesn't mean I do!"
"It's in your blood Lynch, we have one week to practice. Listen, I promise it will only be for that match, we just need a seeker." I crossed my arms and waited for him to continue. "Look, I promise I will help you out. Potter is good, very good, but that doesn't mean we can't win. I will speak with Snape and see if he can give us more free time for practice. Just this once, Gee?" His begging eyes were hard to resist.
"Arrg... fine." I grunted and loosed my arms.
"Brilliant, now let's get back inside and I will introduce you to our tactics." He placed his hand on my back and walked me back to the room where everyone sat and waited for us to return.

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