❧ Cakes and Smashed Potatoes ☙

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   Slowly walking with my roommates to the Great Hall, I left them talking about their usual topics, while I tried to remember every stone on the walls of the hallway. I wasn't sure if the others had realized that this year was the last for us to enjoy the magic in this castle. I always admired how the building did not separate the social standards. It was not like in Beauxbatons, which was ringing with royal spirit. Hogwarts and Beauxbatons were like black and white, in complete contrast. And somehow, in the end I felt more comfortable here, where everyone is equal with their differences. My eyes scanned the Entrance Hall, also knows as the Front Hall, which was located on the ground floor. The wide marble staircase, made me feel so small. The entrance hall was so big that it could fit a whole house in it. The double doors to the right which lead into the Great Hall, made me feel even more tiny, and then the odd feeling that if I go out on my own in the wide world I will feel microscopic took over me. A slight chill breeze hit my back, reminding me of the Slughorn's Stairs, which lead to the Dungeon Corrior. That corridor was so long that it was giving you the illusion that you've been walking for hours, the gloomy stone walls were leading to a spiral staircase and if you think you had enough of walking, think again, because that staircase is leading to the Viaduct Entrance, there another staircase awaits for you to take you down to the black stone wall which is the entrance of the Slytherin Dungeon. I needed months to feel confident to walk on my own there and just when I got used to it, it was all coming at its end. Come to think of it, I even got used to the darkness of the common room, I actually wished that I started Hogwarts since the first year. I envied everyone because of the fact that they had more time spent here than me.
"Gee?" Lydia spoke and pulled me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright, you seem a bit lost in your own world?" I looked at her with a bit of a smile, I was actually going to miss her daily love dramas. She was like a never ending drama romance which you can't stop reading, because you are curious how the book will end.
"Just thinking, that's all." I chuckled and waited the warmth and glow to hit my face as we walked inside the Great Hall. Lit up by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over the four long tables, the Hall was always warm and filled with the delicious smell of all kinds of food. But my face was left with its waiting, for this year Hogwarts wasn't as warm and welcoming as before. The one on charge for that was the one and only Umbridge. I assumed that she is the reason behind the smiling faces of the students from my year, after all none of them remembered the school like that, it was probably painful for them to see it in such light.
   Everyone quickly took their seats on the tables and listened to Dumbledore's speech for the upcoming holidays, he was always speaking with warmth in his voice, always giving you hope. Hope which I needed to keep for my arrival back home, hope that my father will tell me that he missed me. We all clapped when Dumbledore finished his speech, but it all came silent when a pink dot stepped in front of the Professor and with a chuckle she began annoying everyone in the Hall, including the Professors. No one actually payed attention to her, I was about to start thinking of my father when something lightly hit my shoulder. Looking down, I spotted a balled piece of paper on the ground, my gaze followed the direction it came from and my eyes met the smiling hazel eyes of one particular ginger headed Gryffindor student. My hand took the paper ball with a bit of hesitation and just when I was about to turn back to the table and read it, a piecing "Hem hem." stole my attention. With fear in my eyes I looked up as I saw the pink toad getting closer n closer and her heels echoed in the hall like the steps of the devil itself. 
"Miss Lynch, the paper." She said with a court smile and reached out her hand to me, waiting for me to obey. "Miss Lynch." She repeated my name again to show me that she was getting impatient. Without a second thought I handed her the small paper ball and she cleared her throat, ready to read it out loud. My palms became sweaty and my cheeks started to burn as she opened her mouth to speak. A burst followed and the hall exploded with laughter as Umbridge's face was covered with pink ash while her hands were still in the same position while she was holding the paper, which was now gone. Her small button eyes were now wide open from the shock, while her hair was out of the order which she so strictly kept. Her nostrils were opening and closing with fierce and with a deep inhale she clenched her fists.
"ENOUGH!" The piercing shout made everyone quiet again and she scanned the hall with her blue eyes. "I will have order!" She squeaked and looked down at me. The toad was about to continue when Dumbledore decided to save me from my fate of becoming another fly which she could eat.
"Dolores, I think that since its the holidays time the students are allowed to break the order." He winked at Fred with a smirk before his eyes stopped over the speechless Umbridge.
All she did was huff and walk away the hall, demonstrating that she did not respect or agree with Dumbledore's words.
   Without anymore interruptions  the food appeared on the tables and everyone started to fill their plates with dancing fire in the eyes. I ate quietly and wondered what was written on the paper, but a loud laughter made me look up and straight to where Tristan and the other boys were sitting. Teasing with their usual jokes I just shook my head and continued to eat, until some cheering stole my attention again. My eyes widened as a girl from a year below was holding a mistletoe over her's and Tristan's head. The blond boy held the same surprise in his eyes as me, but with a simple shrug from his shoulders his lips met hers for a brief second and everyone around started to clap and whistle. Lydia and I still stared at them speechless and not believing what we saw. 
"That's Tristan first sweetheart." Lydia answered to the question I was asking in my head. The surprise in my eyes grew even more as I looked from her back to them. She was perfect for him, tall, slim, gold hair with princess curls at the ends, green eyes, pale flawless skin, soft and full red shaded lips, long lashes... she was the definition of perfection. Even I as a Veela could be on second place compared to her. Together they actually made the couple which every girl dreams of... including myself. 
"They broke up the year you came at Hogwarts." She added, I started to wonder if she had telepathic connection with my mind now that she was answering the questions I began to pounder oner by one. "I heard from Miles that she was sending Tristan secret letters at the beginning of this school year, but he never told Miles what they were about." Slowly my appetite faded away and the fruit cake in front of me did not look as delicious as it did a moment ago. The conversations ringing in the hall sounded like a buzzing from flies as my gaze focused on the cake. Was life like a cake? Was it actually giving you a delicious cake and if you don't take it quickly, then life will take back the piece? Did I not take my piece of cake on time? Did I just witnessed the scene in which life takes away my delicious piece of cake? Of course, there are other cakes, I thought to myself. There are ginger cakes and the piece I know is called Fred Weasley, a funny and brave cake. There are the royal cakes and that piece is called Konrad, a sweet and gentle cake. But did I just missed the perfect cake for me? While my mind was busy with the cakes, I didn't notice when Miles came beside me. His cheerful voice, on the other hand, did not let me ignore that fact. 
"Look, lassie." The charming boy smiled at his girlfriend."What's that on top of your head?" He asked while he was holding the same mistletoe that girl held for Tristan. A chuckle escaped Lydia's lips before they pecked sweetly. 
"That cake has too much sugar." I murmured and looked away, unable to stand the cuteness of their love. 
"You're eating smashed potatoes, Gee." Lydia giggled with a blush still remaining on her cheeks. 
   Lydia's sentence rang in my head for the whole night. I laid in bed and looked outside the windows of my chamber, but instead of swimming creatures, my mind was busy studying the look of the smashed potatoes I had in my plate for dinner. Was that what I was going to have? Smashed potatoes?
   As the water became light green, my eyes blinked few times, accepting that the new day has come and I had to prepare for my leave. I didn't bother waking up anyone, I was too consumed of my thoughts. So consumed that I didn't even notice that someone was in the common room. One by one, I was taking the steps of the narrowed spiral staircase as if to show me how my thoughts were flowing right now. Same topic, same questions, just on a different level. 
    When I finally reached the Great Hall, my stomach was finally able to chase my thoughts as the smell of warm breakfast tickled my nose. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize until now how I was starving, due to the fact I barely ate last night. I was surprised to see that the Weasley's were missing, they usually liked pulling pranks in this particular morning. I drank my tea and ate everything my appetite found delicious this morning before Lydia could join me. 
"That's something new." She teased with a puzzled look on her face as she sat beside me. 
"I just didn't feel like sleeping late today." I shrugged my shoulders and sipped more tea to my cup, so I could keep her company. "Plus my hunger was keeping me awake." I added and she chuckled. 
"That explains why you passed by Tristan like a small station." My eyes widened and my eyes met hers. 
"I did what?" 
"Tristan said that he saw you in the common room this morning, but you didn't pay attention to his presence." I bit my lower lip, fearing that he might have taken it the wrong way.
"Don't worry, I told him you were probably hungry since you didn't eat last night and that's why you didn't see him..." She said, since she seemed to have noticed the worry in my eyes. "You tend to do that..." She murmured in a grumpy tone, making me feel guilty for every time I was passing her by for the very same reason. 
"Sorry..."  I apologized and looked down at the cup in my hands. 
"It's alright... I am not encouraging you to keep doing it, but it is somehow sweet and funny when you do that." She chuckled and began to eat. 
I was about to ask her if she knew where were the Weasleys' , since she was always tuned with the gossips around the castle, when Miles and Tristan walked inside and sat in front of us. 
"Morning lassies." Miles greeted with his famous charming bright smile, which no girl could resist. 
"Morning, Miles." I greeted, but all Lydia did was huff. 
"Oh, come on, love." Miles whined and begged her with his eyes. "I am sorry." 
"You said you will wait for me in the common room, instead of you I was greeted by Tristan. No offense, Tristan." She sharply said and looked at him. 
"None taken." He spoke in his usual cold tone. 
"I know, I know, but we were all chatting until early hours and..." I didn't listen anymore, they were having such arguments since I can remember them being together, so I mastered the art of ignoring them in those times. After all, no one needed to hear such drama over something so simple early in the morning. 
   An hour later, we were all heading for the train which was going to take us back home. Lydia finally calmed down after Miles agreed on staying with her in the compartment, instead with the boys, as a punishment. To be honest, I don't think Miles was taking it that way, after all he loved Lydia, but I on the other hand... well for me was a punishment. To stay in one compartment with them felt like I was sinking in a cotton candy. So usually when I felt that my lungs needed air I was walking outside the compartment. Not that I liked staying the the corridor of the moving train, not one bit, but sometimes it was necessary.
    Around the middle of the road the lack of air filled the compartment and as expected I walked outside into the corridor. I decided to enjoy the view from the wide windows in front of me as we were passing the bridge I so loved during the winter. The snow had covered the mountains and everything seemed so peaceful and pure, but with the edge of my eye I spotted someone not that far from me standing in the corridor, watching the same view as me. In sync we both turned our head to see who was the other and my eyes widened as I saw her, miss perfection, standing there. The corners of her full lips turned up a bit and she started to walk towards me. My heart was pushing her away with each step she was getting closer to me, but my mind was curious to know what she was like.
"Hey." She spoke with the voice of an angle and I felt even more like a pig in the mud standing next to her. "I believe we haven't met." She reached out her hand. Hesitatingly, I  took her's in mine to shake. "I am Anna."
"Georgiana." She let out a chuckle and I felt awkward, but at the same time delighted from her heavenly laughter.

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