❧ The Ship ☙

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             It was the 1st day of November, a day after the Goblet of Fire chose it's participants – Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum. Of course, the drama began since Dumbledore shouted out Harry's name, but today the hating gossips spread all around the castle. I didn't believe the boy actually put his name in the fire, after all, there was an aging line and no one could fool it, plus I doubt he wanted to be part of the tournament. Sadly, most people didn't think like me, even his best friend didn't believe him which was sad.
          The poor boy was tortured with mean comments every single day, until the first task came which was on 24th of November. The task included dragons and I won't lie I feared that the boy who lived will be the boy who died, but he was a skillful flier and won first place. Viktor Krum didn't even think of flying. He used Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon and retrieve the golden egg, which was the goal of the First Task. Sadly, the creature, confused and blinded, stumbled around and crushed half the real eggs it was guarding. Viktor lost points for that, and tied with Harry for the first place.
Gryffindor were having a party at their common room celebrating their first place, completely forgetting of the things they told Harry and the doubts they had in him. Hufflepuff were celebrating as well with Ravenclaw at their common room. And that left us unwanted at the parties between the houses.
              Luckily, Durmstrang were like our house, the Institute did not admit Muggle-borns , so we were invited to their ship and we received the allowance from our housemaster Professor Snape. However from what I've seen for the last two months was that the students didn't share this idea, as Krum was trying to get the attention of Hermione Granger. Which only meant that they probably weren't like the majority of Slytherin and were actually open minded. Most of the boys from my house didn't want to go there, but the girls were more than ready. Lydia for example was thinking what to wear for half an hour. Miles wanted to cry when he saw how she dressed up for those boys, so in the end he decided to come with us. Tristan was going with or without Miles, because he just enjoyed to be at parties or at least that's what I saw during the summer.
We were taking the corridor which lead to the lake when I spotted two ginger heads.
"Oi, Weasley!" I called out mocking Fred's way of calling to me and he turned around with hands full of sweets. "You guys go, I will follow in a minute." I told my friends and they gave a nod walking away.
"What is it, Lynch?" Fred called back, but I decided to speak when I reach them.
"Hi." I simply greeted with a smile and they both exchanged odd glares.
"You came to us to say hi?" George asked.
"No... I wanted to thank you for the candies..." I said pointing at Fred for a second. " And sorry for being rude that day." The night sky was hiding the colour of his skin, but if I could rely on the flames which lighted the corridors I think he actually blushed a bit.
"It's fine..." And with that an awkward silence filled the air around us. "So... does this mean you will kiss me now?" Fred decided to speak again after a brief moment.
"No!" I sharply answered, but this time with a chuckle. "Good night, Weasley." I said walking away.
"Night, Gee." They both called from behind and took their way.
When I finally walked out of the castle the only thing that lighted my way was the moon. I actually felt scared to walk on my own during the night there, but luckily the ship was shining brightly and I quickly managed to find the quickest way to it.
Loud music could be heard from miles and I arrived at the shore just in time for the last boat to sail towards the ship. As I was getting closer and closer I managed to see the familiar face of Tristan waiting at the deck. When I climbed the stairs he reached out his hand to pull me on the deck.
"Come on let's go in." He said after giving me a nod.
The ship was truly magical, not only could it travel under water but the whole atmosphere on it was. On the outside it didn't look so welcoming. It had a strange skeletal look and appeared to be similar to a 16th century Spanish galleon, possessing a quarterdeck and forecastle. On the inside the ship was richly decorated, creating a bold and royal atmosphere which was comfortable by the fact that everything was from wood.
Miles was trying to keep Lydia away from the hands of Durmstrang, while Tristan was again the laughing and cheerful guy I saw at our birthday. I got surprised to see Draco and his girl Pansy at the party, knowing that Snape forbid fourth years and bellow to come, but I could care less to know why.
Everything was great, until few guys noticed that I was dancing alone and decided to try their luck with me. In the end I walked out on the deck to take a fresh air after an hour being inside. I went to the nose of the ship and looked at the full moon. The night air was cold and the mist hiding the water below was making the weather even more chilly, but it was still worth to watch. The way the ship was gently swinging by the calm waves was relaxing me and in the end I closed my eyes to just listen to the water.
"Ay!" Someone called out from behind and I quickly opened my eyes. Turning around I met a familiar figure walking towards me. "Oh... Hello." He said when he saw it was me. When he took my hand to peck it I felt electricity all over my body.
"Hi..." I had no idea why I was acting so shy.
"Why are you here alone?" He asked stepping beside me. He looked at me for a moment before turning his gaze at the view in front of us.
"I just needed fresh air." I confessed and began to bite my lower lip from nerves.
"Do you enjoy the party so far?" He was talking to me with ease and again the strange calm feeling took over me.
"Yes... I've never been on a ship before and now I think I will have a hard time leaving it... it's so..."
"Relaxing?" He suggested when he noticed I looked for what word to add.
We both looked at the moonlight playing with the mist and cold wind blew at us, causing me to shiver. He quickly took off his jacket and placed it on my shoulders.
"Thank you." I wrapped the cloth fully around me and noticed he was only with a white shirt. "Aren't you cold?"
"No." He looked down at me and smiled gently. "It is cold from where we come." I knew the location of Durmstrang was a secret, but judging by the accent of most of the guys and being aware of his reputation among the school I assumed that it was located somewhere in Sweden.
"You never told me your name." I said breaking the short silence.
"You never asked of it." His voice was sending chills all over my body and the forest scent from his jacket was turning some strange feelings inside of me.
"Well I am now."
"Konrad." My lips slowly parted as I watched the handsome male beside me move his gaze back to the water, his name actually fitted him. "You already knew it." I blinked few times as his statement.
"N-No... why would I ask if I did?" He turned towards me with hands in his pockets and looked down at me.
"You don't know who I am?" I had to tilt my head a bit so I could look straight into his eyes.
"I didn't until they told me of your royal line, but they never mentioned your name." He chuckled at my honesty and then smiled softly.
"Thank you." I didn't know what he meant by that, but someone decided to interrupt us before I could ask.
"Gee!" The familiar husky voice of Tristan called out and we both turned our heads to look at him.
"Yes?!" I didn't want to move from my spot so I called back to him.
"We must go, Miles will kill someone anytime soon!" I shook my head in disappointment and walked towards him, but on the half way I remembered that I was still with Konrad's jacket, so I returned to give it back.
"Thank you, you were very kind." With those words I left the guy standing there alone and waited for Tristan to bring Miles out followed by Lydia.
On our way to the castle the couple didn't talk to each other and Tristan and I felt awkward between them. They both stormed to their dorms when we walked inside the common room, leaving me alone with Tristan.
"You really need to cool her down." He exhaled and rubbed the back of his head slowly.
"I tried, she is like a child in a candy store." He chuckled which made me smile.
"Well good night, Gee." He pat my back and took the way to his dorm.
"Sweet dreams, Tristan." I called from behind him and took the stairs to mine.
Lydia was laying on her bed with covered head, showing me that she didn't need me lecturing her at the moment, so I just changed into my sleep wear and covered myself with the blanket of my bed.
I looked at the ship or at least what was beneath the water of it and thought of the short moment I had with Konrad at the deck. The feeling was so calming that I didn't feel when I drifted off to sleep.

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