❧ Disturbing ☙

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"Just wake her up." A dull whisper reached my ears and I was sure that the voice belonged to Tristan.
"Wake her up?!" Hissed quietly Lydia. "Have you ever woken her up before? She can cast an unforgivable curse on you at such moment." I actually had to agree with that. I was never a person who enjoyed waking up, and even if now I was hearing them I was still half asleep. 
"We can't leave her alone here." Another male voice, assuming it was Miles, added. 
"No, we can't." Agreed Lydia. "Tristan will stay with her." 
"What? Why?" Protested the young man quickly after hearing the decision of my friend. "Fine..." I suppose Lydia gave him a warning glare, which made him give up. 
They exchanged a goodnight and fading footsteps hinted me that the couple walked away, leaving me alone with Tristan. With a heavy exhale the blond sat on the sofa next to mine and I could feel his eyes gazing down at me. 
   It did not take long for other students to enter the common room, but one in particular woke me up fully, although I kept my eyes still closed. 
"Tristan? What are yo-... Oh." The sweet voice of Anna called out to her ex. 
When there no sounds of steps in the room, some odd tension could be sensed, from which I assumed that the girl was still here. 
"Why don't you just let her sleep here for the night?" Her kind question couldn't hide the small annoyance her heart held. 
"I can't." Short as always, answered Tristan. 
"Why? It is not like something bad will happen if she does." The more they were speaking, the harder it was for me to keep my eyelids calmly closed. "You just don't want to leave her side, is that right?" Asked the girl after a short pause, her voice began to ring with jealousy. 
"No." Calmly replied the young man, making me feel bad for her. 
"You have feelings for her, don't you?" He did not answer. "You do not want me in your life." Sobbed out Anna and was greeted with a emotionless "No." from Tristan. Running steps echoed in the common room followed by shutting of a far away door. 
   We were alone again, but this time my heart was beating so fast that I wasn't sure for how long I could pretend to be asleep. Hearing him get up and walk to somewhere, I used it as the perfect time to turn around, so he wont spot my trembling eyelids. He returned to his seat and whispered "Lumos.", which made me assume that he decided to read a book. 
   While waiting for the time to be decent enough for me to wake up, my mind was exploding with thoughts and questions. But this time it was not about what to do with my life, but questions only about Tristan, his feelings, my feelings and all between us. I was about to turn around and open my eyes, when I someone walked back in the common room. 
"She is still sleeping?" The voice belonged to Miles. "You will stay here for the whole night, mate? It's been more than an hour." An hour?  It felt like five minutes to me. 
"It is not a problem for me. I don't feel like sleeping anyways." Confessed Tristan, causing his friend to chuckle. 
"You don't fool me, lad." A short pause was made and I could feel how both of them looked at me, as if needles were pinned to my back. "She is beautiful when she sleeps." Admitted Miles, which left me shocked. "Don't tell Lydia I said that, she will jinx me for weeks." Quickly added the guy, making Tristan laugh. 
"Aye, she is..." I could feel the smile on his lips as he said that. "Not just when she sleeps... if I have to be honest." 
"You should tell her, Tristan." Said Miles with serious tone. "It doesn't do any good to anyone when you do nothing about it. Plus, you are not the only one who has set his heart on her. Weasley, may respect you and all, but if he wants something he gets it. You of all should know that." I could feel how my heart was beating fast again, and I hoped it will calm down, so I could hear clearly what they were saying, for now I heard mostly how my heart was beating. 
"You think I don't know?" Breathed out the blond and shut the book in his hands. "Georgiana is not easy, Miles... She is not easy to keep. There are things in her past that made her fear feelings, and that is something I do not know how to not scare away. The only man who I saw to be able to keep her around was that Durmstrang guy." Frustrated confessed Tristan and I found it hard to disagree with him. Konrad seemed to be really the only guy who was able to keep me around for more than just few minutes. 
"Up to you, lad." Breathed out the other Slytherin and left the room. 
    Needless to say, I began to wonder how I was supposed to behave now, in order to not appear to have heard all that it was said while I was pretending to sleep. How was I going to be around Tristan now? I knew he had feelings for me from before, but I did not know that they were so strong. How was it even possible? The boy who hated me in our childhood, not struggled with his feelings of affection towards me. Who would have even thought? 
    Assuming that it has been enough of time, I turned around slowly and opened my eyes. Gazing up, I saw Tristan, focused on the book he was reading with quite serious expression. His gray eyes moved to me and a soft smile appeared on his face, making him appear less colder than he usually did. 
"Hey." He whispered and I awkwardly smiled back. 
"Hey." Slowly, I sat up and rubbed the back of my head with a yawn. "Why are you here?" 
"Reading a book. Can't you see?" His eyes were focused back on the pages, and I felt like throwing a pillow at him for acting so... so... stupid. Sensing I wasn't really buying his explanation, his gaze moved back to mine. "And I did not feel like waking you up, nor leaving you sleep here alone." 
"Oh..." I looked away with shame. "Well... thank you." 
"Don't mention it." Tristan shrugged his shoulders and shut the book, before standing up. 
I got up as well and we both headed to the staircase leading to our dorms in silence. 
"Gee?" He called out, as we were about to head in the opposite corridors. 
"Yes?" Was that it? Did he gather up the strength to finally say it?  I asked too enthusiastic for someone who had heard nothing of the conversations before.
"I..." He began and stepped closer to me.
"Yes?" My voice whispered, trying to keep a calm tone.
"I..." But the moment his eyes met mine, he looked down and stopped at his tracks. "Well, I wanted to wish you goodnight and to rest good." I blinked few times, before nodding.
"Yes. Well... goodnight, Tristan." And with that I turned around and headed to my dorm.
"Night." I heard him say before he turned around and walked away as well.
    I wouldn't lie, I was disappointed. To be honest, I was even a bit angry with him. Enough to stay awake for the rest of the night in my bed. But what could I do about it?  I wasn't even sure how I had to feel. Part of me was happy, the other was scared, and another was against it. It was disturbing how my heart was turning upside down every time when it came to Tristan and Fred. It was disturbing how my heart couldn't choose. 

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