❧ Help ☙

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  I watched as they practiced, hiding due to the fact that I didn't want to get in trouble. I waited patiently and when they were done I sent a flying note to Fred. The paper hit his head and when he opened it he looked up to where I was.
    In few minutes he, Harry and George came and smirked down at me.
"Tristan isn't here to protect you anymore, what it is Georgiana?" I assumed Fred was mad about what happened before, but I wasn't guilty about it.
"I don't need his protection, I can handle things on my own, Weasley."
"Really? Then why did you call us here?" He crossed his arms and raised his right eyebrow.
"B-Because I hoped you will help me."
"You said you can handle things on your own."I wanted to punch his cheeky smirk which was curved on his lips.
"Fred, come on." George spoke up and placed his hand over Fred's shoulder. "What is it Gee?" I gave him a thankful smile, he was actually the more mature twin.
"I need to get better at Quidditch, but I can't teach myself alone." I looked over at Harry and begged him with my eyes. "Will you help me?"
Harry and George nodded while Fred huffed.
"Why would we? You captain almost hit Johnson in the head with the quaffle."
"Because her behavior was mental! He knew she will dodge it, he would never hurt anyone on purpose!" I tried to defend, but it only made it worse.
"So loyal, where is your captain now then? Why did you come to ask help from the enemy team?" I had no idea he will get so angry from the fact that Tristan tried to defend me from Johnson, or whatever her name is.
"Because we are friends." The words came out before I could think if it was right. I did address them as friends, but I wasn't sure what I was to them.
"Fine." Fred spat after a long gap of silence.
The practice continued around two hours. Harry was teaching me his techniques, while the twins were taking care of making it hard for me. When the sun started to set down we decided to return back to the castle, but on our way someone pulled my wrist from behind causing me to stop and turn around.
"Oi, Lynch, I want to show you something. You guys go ahead." Fred somehow softened against me during our practice, but his words surprised me.
Harry and George gave a nod and left us alone.
"What is it?"
"Come with me." He started walking back to the pitch, not letting go of my wrist, as if to making sure I was following.
   We stopped in front of our brooms and he threw mine at me. "Get on it and follow me." In few minutes we were flying around the castle, he was leading me somewhere high. We reached the roof Ravenclaw's tower and he dismounted his broom.
"Come on, it's safe, don't worry." He reached out his hand to me and I quickly took it. My whole body was shaking with fear that we might fall any moment.
"Calm down." Fred chuckled when he spotted the panic in my eyes. "Sit down, you'll feel more stable." He slowly sat down and held me while I followed his moves.
"What are we doing here?" He shushed me and pointed towards the sky.
My lips parted when my eyes captured the beautiful view. All kind of pastel colours were messing in the sky. Cotton candy clouds were giving it a softer appearance, it was magical.

Fred's POV

    I couldn't take my eyes off her. The way the light lined her face, the way her dark brown hair had a bit of red glow on it from the fading sunlight. Her blue eyes reflecting the colourful sky.
"It's beautiful." She whispered in amazement.
"Yeah, it is." I said still looking at her. And then I realized what I was looking at. "Well, we should get going." I said fixing my voice.
Georgiana moved her head towards me and gave me a nod in agreement. We flew back to the pitch and left the brooms at their place. We thought we were going to be late for dinner, so we both speed up our tracks. Luckily, she managed to get there in time, while I on the other hand was greeted by Professor McGonagall waiting for me, with George beside her, at the entrance.
"I suppose you two have good explanation why you didn't attend to your detention today?" We exchanged looks with George and remembered that we had to help the house elves today. We tried to explain to her that we were busy with Quidditch practice, but there was no use.
"I am sorry, but I am afraid you won't be allowed to visit Hogsmade tomorrow."
"But Professor..." We said in union, but her expression didn't change.
"That's my final word." With that she walked inside the Great Hall, leaving us behind.
Well, I guess it was worth it. My mind said to me and I started to argue with it. How could it be worth it? Because of miss-not-so-good-at-quidditch now we couldn't go to Hogsmade.
George and I sat at our table and Lee started asking questions immediately.
"Where were you, Fred?" Angelina who was sitting beside me whispered to me, but loud enough for others around us to hear.
"We were helping Georgiana with her quidditch skills." George saved me from answering.
"Why?" Her eyes moved to the Slytherin girl who was talking with her friend, Lydia Bennet.
"Because she was kind enough to ask us." Again George answered and I thanked him with my eyes.
"Well that's rubbish! Helping the enemy team!" She immediately fired up and yelled at us.
"Relax, Johnson. It was just one day." I said as if it was no big deal, but it sure didn't relax her.
We listened to her lecture of how we shouldn't have helped her and stuff for good half an hour, after that I was too tired and decided to go directly to my dorm and sleep.

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