❧ Biggest Surprise ☙

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    Have you ever wanted to slow down the time? Not to stop it, but to just make it go pass you slowly. I sometimes wished it could happen, but I knew it was not possible. Not until the moment I pressed the doorbell of my house.
   Suddenly, everything around me started to move slow, even my heartbeat. I looked around me and I noticed how slow and in peace the snowflakes were falling down, the sound of the unlocking of the door hit my ears and I turned my attention and as all was moving in slow motion the door opened with normal speed and I jumped at my spot.
"Gee." My father said surprised to see me and I did not know how to react.
"Dad..." I simply answered and was about to explain that Tristan's parents drove me here, when out of nowhere I felt the warm embrace of my father.
"My Gee, my girl." He cheerfully spoke and pulled away just to cup my face in his hands, and peck my forehead.
I wanted to ask so many questions, but I thought that it was better to do it when I finally enter inside. Seeing he held tears in his eyes from happiness gave me hope that I was probably just imagining that he forgot me.
"Come." He took my luggage and pushed my back softly to get inside. "There is someone I want you to meet, of course I told you of her in every letter I've sent you, but I hope..."
"No, you never did." I cut my father at his sentence, denying to wait for the right moment any more, all was too strange for me.
"What do you mean, Gee?" My father asked puzzled and I looked into his eyes with the hurt I gathered during the past few months.
"You never wrote to me. You never repl..." But before I could finish someone joined us with in the corridor.
"Hello, Georgiana." Victoria greeted and held my sister in her hands. "Meet your sister Dolores." Hearing the name of my sister sent shivers down my spine and I looked at my father asking why he agreed to that name with pain in my eyes. He seemed to be still thinking over what I said, so I just decided to act as if we didn't say anything.
"Hello, little doll." I didn't even want to speak the name out, so I thought the closest to it was to just call her a doll. The baby was tiny and fragile as a snowflake and I didn't feel ready to even touch it, fearing I might break it, but Victoria decided to directly put her in my arms. The small creature looked at me and made bubble with her mouth at me. I suppose that's how babies say hello when they meet someone for the first time. I just stood there gazing down at her with face of disgust and joy, and in the end smiled down at her. "I guess you and I will get along just fine." I spoke softly and entered inside the living room.
   Thanks to the cares which my sister needed to have at the early hours of the night, Victoria left me and my father alone while she went to shower the little doll and put her to sleep.
"She's lovely, isn't she?" My father asked softly, but I was waiting for too long to be alone with him to pretend.
"I wrote to you, you never replied!" I said a bit loud and hoped Victoria did not hear it.
"Could say the same, Georgiana." He said coldly, not liking that I was ready to start a fight. We stayed in silence for a while, both thinking how to explain it.
"I guess we have to change the owls." He said after the long pause and I shook my head.
"The owls are perfectly fine, I was able to write with friends and they were answering me back. " I explained and we both returned to our silence.
   After few minutes, Victoria walked in and we both looked up at her, thinking the exact same thing.
"Darling, any chance you took Gee's letter and forgot to tell me?" Father asked and crossed his arms. Guilt shined in her eyes and I was about to snap at her when she started to cry.
"I am so sorry, I really forgot, I am so busy with Dolores that I forgot to tell you." She broke down and my father immediately went to embrace her and calm her nerves down.
"You forgot about all the letters I've sent?" I asked knowing that the amount was huge.
"Georgiana, can't you see she is already in enough of stress?" My father snapped at me and I blinked few times not believing what just happened.
"I'm tired, goodnight." I shortly announced and passed by them.
    Later that night my father came to my room to try and settle things down, but the disappointment in my heart was too big to just forget and act like it never happened. Of course, in the morning I headed downstairs as fast as I could just to see what present I got, being the kid I was, I still held excitement to see what was under the Christmas tree. But then time not only slowed down, but it completely stopped.
     As I entered the living room a pink creature sat at one of the chairs.
"Hello, Geogiana." Hearing the chuckle at the end of my name made me want to return back to my bed and fall asleep again.
"Mrs. Umbridge?" I questioned with fear and as an answer I only got her famous chuckle escape her mouth.
"Mum, do you want milk in you tea?" I heard Victoria ask from the kitchen and my eyes opened wider than they already were.
I heard my father entering the room as well with a bright smile as he held my sister and now the picture was full. She was named after the pink toad, which was the mother of my father's wife. Could it get worse? I doubted.
"Oh you've met Victoria's mother?" I looked at him with lips parted. "Of course, you already have at Hogwarts, but you didn't know she is part of the family." Just hearing that made me want to scream and ask if he went mental. "She will be staying with us for a whole week." He added and kissed his little daughter.
And that's when I realized that things could always get worse, what you had to do is to get out of the situation as fast as you could.
"Father?" I turned around to him and he waited for me to continue. "I will go back to my room, I don't feel good since last night." I lied and pretended that I am tired.
"Alright. Do you need something?" He asked with a bit of concern and I thought if I should make a sarcastic comment on it, but decided that it's better to just shake my head and return to my room.
   As I laid down in my bed, I felt how the air in the house was disappearing and how I had to think of something in order to escape from my one week with Umbridge at home. My dad for sure gave me the biggest surprise for Christmas.

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