❧ Attention ☙

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     It was few days after the arrival of our guests and Lydia was dragging me out of the common room to where the goblet was. We were taking the stairs when Tristan and the rest of the quidditch team got in our way. Everyone looked gloomy, but Tristan had an expression which I have never seen before.
"Gryffindor ruined your training again?" I asked with a teasing smirk on my lips.
"Worse... There won't be any matches this year." Mine and Lydia's eyes widened and we both asked why in sync.
"Because of the tournament." Miles calmly explained to us and Tristan walked past us.
I knew this was a big deal for him, so I understood why he was so grumpy. The rest of the team followed behind him, while Lydia and I rushed to the room where we were heading to at the beginning.
The Goblet of Fire was set in the middle of the room and around it was drawn a circle age line from Dumbledore. Since there were free sports at the benches we sat down and watched how students put their names in the blue flames.
Soon Gryffindors welcomed the Weasley twins with whistles and claps as if they were heroes. Granger did try to tell them that none of their attempts will work and that they will fail at putting their names in the goblet, but they took the risk. For a moment I thought that they actually did it, but my thoughts were proven wrong as they were pushed to the ground by a force. A moment of silence took the room just to make sure they were alright, but then laughter echoed between the walls as they turned into old men who fought with each other. Luckily, Lee Jordan took them to the hospital wing where the others who tried to fool the age curse were.
Everything turned back to normal until Viktor Krum walked inside and all turned silent.
"He is so handsome." Lydia whispered dreamingly to me, completely forgetting about Miles.
"I especially love his smile." I joked with a smirk on my lips, but she didn't take the joke too well and slapped my upper arm teasingly causing me to chuckle.
On his way out he sent Hermione Granger a glance making the girl blush brightly.
"Come on lets go." Lydia took my hand and we were about to walk away when few other guys from Durmstrang walked in. The students from that school who were sitting in the room stood up and bowed their head towards one of the boys who walked in. The guy wasn't looking like the rest of Durmstarng, his body firm as well, but not as big as the rest of the students. He had light brown hair and almond shaped blue eyes. He had the same serious expression as Krum, but somehow more kind. He put a piece of paper in the blue flames and turned around to walk out the silent room. He probably felt awkward from all the stares he received as he walked in and I did wonder why everyone behaved that way. He walked calmly with pride in his chest and when he reached me he stopped and turned his head fully towards me and locked his eyes with mine. I felt pressured by his gaze, but then slowly a half smile curved his lips corner for a brief moment before he turned his head away and walked out.
I looked at Lydia who stared at me with wide eyes. She took me by the wrist and led me to the courtyard where no one was around and seated me at one of the benches.
"Gee, what was that?" I really didn't understand her question, so I gave her a puzzled look.
"What was what? He just stopped and looked at me for a brief moment. I don't know why." I wasn't sure if she was mad or surprised.
"Do you know who he is?" I blinked clueless and she shook her head at me.
"Gee, he's a royal." My reaction was nothing more than a blank expression on my face. "I am serious. Did you see how the others greet him when he walked in?" I answered with a nod and she sat beside me. "He is the grandson of Prince Bertil and Princess Lilian of Halland, Sweden. His whole bloodline has been in Durmstrang." My eyes widened and immediately I started to worry if I offended him with my stare, knowing that it is not polite.
"I don't blame you for staring. He's handsome alright." She chuckled and pushed me with her shoulder teasingly.
"Lydia! You have a boyfriend! Keep your hormones for him only." Her smile quickly disappeared from her face and she huffed.
"I'll go see how he's doing." She got up and walked away, leaving me alone.
My mind started blaming me for being too harsh on her, but at the same time I was mad at her for not stopping herself from talking about other boys for the past few days. While fighting with myself if I had the right to speak to her that way a flaming snake was drawn in front of me. I quickly looked around and met the grin of Fred Weasley.
"Oi, what are you doing here alone?" I loved how he was always so energetic, the dancing flame in his hazel eyes was warming me up every time.
"Just sitting. You seem to be young again."
"I've noticed that." He sat next to me and looked at the green grass. "Wanna do something?" He asked completely ignoring my tease.
"Like what?" I didn't mind spending time with him actually. He was the company I needed right now.
"I need help pranking Filch."
"No." I quickly answered and sat up. "I don't want to be part of any of your pranks." I started to walk away and just when I was sure I was alone in the hall and he didn't follow me a hand grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the wall.
"Fred?" I asked with wide open eyes, clueless of what has gotten to him.
"Is it too much to ask?" He asked lowly and looked down ashamed, his long hair was hiding his eyes, so I didn't know what kind of emotions were running thru him right now.
"I-I don't understand." My chest was moving up and down as I realized how close his body was to mine.
His eyes locked with mine for a second and a smirk curved on his lips as he leaned down and whispered in my ear.
"I want your attention, Lynch." His breath tickled my skin and I blushed madly at his words.
He pulled away and when he saw how red I turned to be he laughed out loud at me. My shocked expression turned into an angry one.
"You blithering idiot!" I pushed him away from me and gave him a death glare. "I am not your toy when you get bored!"
"But you are so fun to tease, Gee." He chuckled out and I pushed him by the shoulders again.
"Arrg! I hate you, Weasley!"I grunted and walked past him, but only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled to his chest.
The way my back rested on him felt strangely good and somehow warm.
"No you don't." He chuckled again and I pulled away with annoyance.
"Really? And what makes you think that?" I crossed my arms while firing daggers at him with my glare as I turned around to face him.
He took a step towards me and leaned a bit to stand face to face with me, since he was taller. He looked at my face and smirked.
"You wouldn't be blushing every time I am close to you." My eyes widened at his straight words, causing him to grin wider. "Admit it, Lynch. You actually have a thing for me." He was speaking so carelessly, as if it wasn't a big deal for him.
I shook my head and pushed him away. "Keep dreaming, Weasley." I said as cold as I could and walked away.
He didn't say anything back, he just stood there, frozen at his spot, watching me fade in the distance of the hall.
I repeated in my head several times that moment. And every time I pictured how close he was my heartbeat fastened and my skin shivered. I liked the feeling of attention I received from him, but it all vanished as I saw him sitting and flirting with Angelina at dinner tonight. But I wasn't surprised, after all the whole school was talking about them being eventually together, so why would I bother with the feelings I have.

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