❧ Veela ☙

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       I woke up in the usual time of the morning and dressed up, ready to finally visit Hogsmade. Lydia was telling be about that place for the last few days, which raised up my excitement.
       I was sitting at the Great Hall having my breakfast, waiting for Lydia to appear anytime now. I let her sleep more and sneaked out of our dorm silently. So here I was waiting for her to show up and have her breakfast as well. It's not that I didn't like the company of my other house mates, it was just that Lydia was the only one from the girls which I could call friend. I felt someone's eyes piercing my back, by instinct I turned around and saw the Johnson girl, glaring at me as if I ate her breakfast. I gave her a puzzled look before turning around, I didn't want to get in trouble because of her again.
"Look at her, she thinks that because she's a Veela she can control every boy around her. I bet her mother though her how. After all the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" I heard her mumble to the two girls who sat beside her.
I loudly pressed my hands to the table to get up and turned around to face her. Her grin was showing that her intention was to provoke me like that at the beginning.
"Take your words back!"
"Why would I?" She crossed her hands and looked at me from head to toes.
"Because they are not true and you are well aware of that." I was knocking my fingers from nerves.
She just rolled her eyes and huffed, which made me even more furious.
"Yeah, keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there." I turned around and grabbed my bag.
"Excuse me? What did you say to me?"
"You heard me!" I started to walk away from the table, but then something hit my back.
Few gasps came from the girls around us and some guys hid their open smiling mouths with their hand. I heard a drop of some cream on the floor and turned around slowly. She had a huge grin dancing on her lips. I looked down at the yellow cream and then back at her. I debated with myself if I should go and dress up while I still have time, be the girl who I was thought to be in Beauxbaton, or defend myself no matter what will follow after. I slowly walked back to her table and dropped my bag on the floor.
"You know, just because I am a Veela doesn't mean I can't do ugly things." I took the cup of tea which was close to my reach and splashed the tea in her face. She gasped and shut her eyes tightly. Her friends stood up quickly before they could get themselves wet as well, so now she was standing alone in front of me. When the tea stopped streaming down her skin she opened her eyes and grunted madly.
"Why you little-..." She quickly shut her mouth when someone came behind me. I tilted my head a bit to see who it was and wasn't surprised to see Tristan.
"Is there any problem, Johnson?" I was surprised how everyone was respecting or staying quiet when he was speaking.
"Why don't you ask your little snake, Ryan?" She spat at both of us, few drops of tea flying from her lips towards our faces. I wiped away the drops from my cheeks and held a chuckle.
"Hey, what's going on?" Fred called out as he ran to Johnson and stopped beside her, giving me a questionable look.
"Why don't you ask your girl, Weasley?" Your girl? I looked from Tristan to Fred with wide eyes. I didn't know they were something.
"She swept over me with the cup of tea!" The soaked girl blamed as Fred looked at her.
"Because you threw cream on me!"
"You were the one who offended me!" We were blaming one another while the boys were looking at each of us.
"You offended my mother!" I shouted with tears in my eyes. I wasn't used to things like that back in Beauxbatons, sure we had argues and fight, since we were mostly girls, but we were never offending one another so harshly.
"And you got offended by the truth!" My whole body was shaking from nerves which were trying to fight back the tears.
"What did she tell you, Lynch?" Tristan asked and turned me towards him by my shoulders.
I shook my head, refusing to repeat her words.
"Listen Johnson, I don't know what your problem is with Lynch and I don't want to know it, but the sooner you stop bugging her with it the better it will be for you." He said boldly while pointing with his index finger at her.
"What's going on?" I heard Lydia's voice calling from behind Tristan.
"Nothing." I walked pass Tristan and took her by the arm. "Let's go, I need to change." With that we walked away from the Great Hall.

Fred's POV

I watched as the two girls left the hall and I turned my attention back to Angelina.
"Nothing gives you the right to talk bad about someone's parents, especially when they are dead." Tristan spoke lowly as he shot her a cold glare.
"Mind your own business, Ryan!" I was surprised by the sudden behavior during the past two days against Georgiana.
"You as well, Johnson." With that the blond Slytherin walked away from us.
I looked at Angelina with a bit of disappointment in my eyes.
"I think you went too far with that." She looked at me with disbelief, even I couldn't believe that I defended a Slytherin.

Georgiana's POV

   I told Lydia what happened during breakfast after her third time of begging me to tell her. She didn't say a word and I was grateful for it, all I wanted was to forget it happened.
Hogsmade was a beautiful picturesque village of cottages and shops. We passed by Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop which was a small tea shop with pink door and windows. Lydia told me it was the haunt of happy couples. I spotted most of the school couples there on dates, holding hands and kissing. My cheeks blushed as I stared at their kissing faces.
"Gee, are you alright?" I quickly moved my attention to Lydia and didn't look back.
"Come let's go get something to drink." She hooked my arms with hers and pulled me towards a inn. It looked warm and crowded, when we got inside I found out that it was a bit smoky as well, but it was clean and welcoming. A mirror behind the bar reflected the cosy atmosphere. We sat on a table near the window and took off our jackets.
"Welcome to The Three Broomsticks, what would you like for a drink?" A cheerful woman with messy hair came to us to take our order.
"We would like to have two Butterbeers for now, thank you." Lydia was telling me about this drink yesterday before we went to sleep.
When the drinks came I drank a bit from the liquid. It tasted a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch. I felt how my whole body warmed up and I liked it. Soon more students got inside the inn and it became really noisy.
"Oh my, Miles and Tristan are coming." Lydia said cheerfully. "Hey, guys!" She greeted as they walked inside.
"Oi, Lydia, Gee, what's crackin? " Miles asked with a bright, charming smile.
"Oh, nothing much, would you like to sit with us?"
"No."Tristan and I quickly added.
We exchanged awkward gazes between each other.
"Well, I guess we will go sit somewhere else." Miles slowly added walked away with Tristan.
Lydia had a very sad expression on her face, but she still looked sweet.
"What's going on between you two?" She sharply asked when the boys got far enough from us.
"What do you mean?" I gave her a puzzled look and she rested her head on her palm.
"You two are very distant from each other. Have you guys been dating?" Her eyes lighted up when she asked.
"No." I coldly answered, not letting any doubts get into her.
"Then why?"
"I... I honestly don't know. He is always around when I am in trouble, yet we don't speak at all. When we were kids we sort of hated each other." I shortly explained to her, hoping she will leave the subject.
"Well what about now? Do you like him?" My eyes widened at her question.
"Don't be silly!" I turned and looked at the boy we were talking about. "True, he is handsome and probably every girl in school likes him..." I confessed while admiring his features. "But I don't think I will deal with anyone anytime soon." I turned my attention back to Lydia who was blinking at my stubbornness.
"I don't think you choose if you want to deal with it or not, it just comes at you." She shyly said while holding the cup with both hands. "Maybe you two are trying to deny it to yourselves." She was gazing down at the liquid in her cup and had a faint daydreaming smile curved on her lips. I looked back towards the boys table and couldn't help, but wonder if she was right.
"I don't know. I've never felt anything like what you feel for Miles, for example." The topic was making me feel awkward, but at the same time I enjoyed the typical girl talk.
"I know." She chuckled and I gave her a puzzled expression. "I saw how you looked at the couples at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop." She explained to me and I turned crimson. "Maybe you should just allow yourself to fall for someone?"
"No." I shook my head trying to chase away the idea from my mind.
"Why not?"
"I made a promise." I explained and drank from my butterbear.
"I don't understand." I told her of the song and what my mother asked me to promise and she stared at me with thoughts running around her head.
"I don't think your mother was telling you to never fall in love. I know the song, my mother sang it to me when I was little as well, but I think your mother just asked you to not give your love to someone easily so you won't get hurt. Not to stop yourself upon feelings." I watched at her with surprise, what she said was wise and somehow sounded like something my mother will suggest to me. I couldn't believe that I was wrong all the time about it.
"I get it now! I must test the boy I start to have feelings for and see if he will give up on me then, and if he doesn't then he deserves my love, that way I won't be hurt because he will truly love me." Lydia facepalmed at my statement and shook her head.
"No, Gee." She took my hands in hers and our eyes locked. "You just have to allow yourself to follow your heart. Love isn't an exam, you don't have to test anyone. You just have to be careful to who you give it." I gave a nod and she chuckled. "You're hopeless."
     For the rest of the day Lydia took me around the village and we bought sweets from Honeydukes which were gone on our way to the castle due to the fact that we both had sweet tooths. I was thinking over and over again of what she told me and wondered if I should listen to her, and did my mother actually meant that?  

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